SL killed M+ by max'ing leetism

Not entirely, because you can see the alt’s main score under their alt’s score. I would rather take a 800 io alt with 2k main score over someone applying as 1200 io main.

It’s so easy to gear through M+ Though.


Join horde, thats the sad state currently. Its such a stark difference really and helps to show the non existent faction balance.

I do think the system is way too complicated. You should never have to leave game and read up on how to understand a system.

On the flip side, the valor bribe is what finally got me to try out mythic plus. And apparently it nudged a lot of others players too.

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Just reroll Horde is the quickest solution for the OP’s problems.

I’ve continued to run M+ pugs throughout this content drought, I still see a decent amount of keys posted in LFG. For every 15 of a specific dungeon posted in Alliance LFG, there might be 3-4 listings for the same key in Horde LFG.

Come on over :+1:

I think a lot of people would, but for me, I would probably pick the 1200 io person because the 2000 io one will leave when the tank pulls something extra or someone dies, thinking it will break the run like it would in a 20. lol

The 1200 io person will probably stay even if their dps is not as great, plus it will probably help them move towards KSM so that is nice if we time it :smiley:

Especially if it’s DoS! I don’t want to have to run that again, please stay to complete it. haha


Why do Horde players keep saying this when plenty of Alliance players have pointed out there are plenty of keys being posted in LFG?

If you want to say “Come to Horde, we have more key runs” fine. But saying there “are few key runs on Alliance” is just objectively not true.

Also, that 800 io alt with a 2000 IO main often plays like garbage. Just because you know how to play one class doesn’t mean you know how to play another.

This becomes very visibly true when you have someone who has been using class abilities to cheese mechanics forced to actually have to do the mechanic.

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  1. They should not be forcing this
  2. That’s irrelevant to the point that alts will gear and climb this particular ladder faster than a late starter, and the two do compete for spots on key runs

Yep! I feel sorry for the healers that get my 800 IO rogue… both my 1600io hunter and 1900io druid are rdps. :laughing: I think the rogue’s 800 should be the part that counts

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I think the problem is the game became more about esports and less an rpg with a journey. So this Mythic + is dead thing to me doesn’t matter honestly.

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That’s the only part I look at when sending invites. I will make an exception for tanks since the route and mechanics shouldn’t be that much different and there’s just less competition.

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Totally… and for dps there’s no need to think about 1200io main vs 800io alt of 2000io main because other people will be applying on their 2000io mains. :+1:

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It isn’t forced. It’s incentivized. There’s a difference.

I mean… that’s how it’s always been? The players with alts already went through the climb that the new main is going through? Why wouldn’t it be easier the second time around?

For example, you go from Havoc DH to Mistweaver Monk

Lol. Well there’s not that many 2000 IO score folk and they tend not to apply to my keys.

It was pretty fun when I timed one of my first 15s when 4 2000 io players applied to my key (they wanted to try to pull the entire floating necropolis on NW at once…with bolstering). It didn’t end well but we still timed.

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I mean… that’s an entirely different discussion to the one Sifu and I are having.

Yes. Oh! You can also go from some meta rdps to Protection Warrior, I think that would be kind of a hard transition. Fire to ProtW, for example.

It could also get harder if the first time you do it on Fortified Sanguine Quaking, and on the second time, you take a new spec with poor ST to Tyrannical Bolstering Necrotic.

You change your connection to library wifi and you get disconnected a bunch during your runs!

You could lose a hand … the list goes on :man_shrugging:


I’d say Blizzard catering to casuals has had a larger part in making the game bad than catering to hardcore players

My point was… that’s not what we were talking about. Maybe read our conversation before responding?