SL killed M+ by max'ing leetism

SL M+ is terrible. There’s hardly any pugs - they are often outnumbered by paid carries.

It was already bad with all the gearing nerfs, and then they made it worse with the valor. The bar to be able to upgrade things ensures that the only ones benefiting r the alts of the “leets”. Trying to gear up a main, you get “lapped” by alts who of mains with KSM already, basically locking M+ away from the vast majority of players who have consequently quit … leaving M+ the deadest it has ever been.

Terrible design.


No raiding tryhards killed it by pushing Blizzard to nerf mythic+ rewards to keep mythic raids the true “best and most prestigious” endgame on those secret forums that devs actually listened to and engaged with.

The community really killed it by demanding overly high item levels and IO scores…which this community has always done as far back as Wrath when pugging raids became much more commonplace.

The wise wisdom of pugging from the ages past applies even now…never fall behind or you’ll almost never get ahead again.


tldr M+ was killed by players. The pug life is a hard life.


*Puts tinfoil hat on

Maybe the reason for the score is to introduce a queue type system in the future - Ranking players of equal rating to do an instance.

So Guys remember LFR, PL, Reforging , profession perks and stuff that caused that to happen or be removed ? Yeah, I know y’all can’t control yourself to stop it from happening . Popcorn season incoming :yum:


I was going to respond in compete bafflement that there aren’t any pugs.

And then I realized that you’re playing Alliance.

That’s your actual problem.


tryhard culture is fun isn’t it :stuck_out_tongue:


M+ killed WoW.


M+ killed my dog


Yup… /thread right ^ here

I just logged off for the night about 40 minutes ago and the Horde LFG page was fine :man_shrugging:

Looked to be around 5 pages of listings when I skimmed thru it, and only saw about 4 boosting ads.

Alliance LFG “player desert” situation is getting worse judging by all the complaints I am regularly reading here, reading over at reddit, etc.


Well, if this is true then there’s not much blizzard could do other than cross faction group finder. And since racials mean precisely bupkis these days (look at me, I get extra bag space!) it’s probably the easiest thing to do. …If the situation really is that bad. Buuut iunno, they’d have to duplicate code from the mercenary system and that would take “time” I guess.

So! probly not happening.


I swear there’s a new “hardcore players are the reason wow sucks” thread every day


The draining aspect is the systems focus. The debuff no longer says, “The ground is transferring fel energy into your soul.” It’s now “You’re falling asleep! Jump to shake off the spores!”

You don’t collect adventurers and clear a dungeon of foes. You fight a timer for a leader-board.

You don’t brave the elements to raid the lord-of-all-stuff-currently, start a riot and clash heads with an opposing faction raid on their way to do the same. You just appear in a raid, good luck with these 39 randoms. Then you appear back where you were when it’s done. (I’m referencing LFR here, but I disagree with the idea that casual players should be able to do raid content without being skilled, lucky, or paying a booster lol)

Nothing to cherish. No moment to laugh about. Just system to system. And your toon feels like a disposable cosmetic, but has attained gear. And, in-fact the tmog system takes away from feeling great when in high-level gear. Those guys in classic with the full set look really really cool. And you can about know they deserve to feel it, cause they did it and it’s undeniable. Transmog is a great system, and I’d be sad to lose all the work I’ve put into some of my own, but if I ever play a different MMO that patches in transmog, I’ll be disappointed.


Is a great system! gotta make my alts run around with rolling pins and fish weapons!

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As its been said…its the fact your the dead faction low population thats killing your M+

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Can’t say I relate. I made this mage just 4 days ago and already 60 and did 10 m+ run.

Only thing that’s different from what a normal person is that I bought one heroic carry but even after that my item level was low.

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Yes, and I’ve an orc rogue that looks like a peon with Neursurgeon’s Tool (axes) as daggers. It’s fun and silly, but you aren’t gonna see the toon with their current-raid-set and think “pogger”. It’s just another mog that’s take it or leave it, hot or not.

That’s sweat-core, when the system is numerical and unlimited. The reasons to remember a player or guild for what they’ve achieved is only dropping. Slaying it at all should be the bragging rights, not a golden statue on raider IO’s front page, “Completed #27 De Other Side” for all of one week.

All vitriol intended for the state of WoW, if implicit, not you bro.

To be honest, this is what I thought of WoW from the start when my guild xfered from my beloved, rose tinted first mmo.

The idea you couldn’t kill people on your team or couldn’t take their loot also felt like loot didn’t mean anything. It had no value because it was pick up and forget.

New generations come in and new systems wash into old games. There are a lot of people playing who are making cherished moments to laugh about. Well, maybe not now in the content drought, but from this post-Wrath WoW you know there are/were.

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That would be great except… 14s are way easier than mythic raid bosses… and M+ completely eclipsed raiding in 9.0/9.0.5 for everyone who wasn’t raiding mythic by week two.

Then the valor system came out and made it even more tilted in M+ favor to the point raiding is the red headed step child


This entire game has a history of being killed by maxing elitism. I don’t see the WoW culture changing any time soon.

FF directly bans people for elitism, so thats something you could give a shot.


They certainly play no small part.