SL killed M+ by max'ing leetism

It can scale by adding interesting mechanics and more mechanics to trash and dungeons as u go up difficulties.

Can only speak for myself, but I’m not really looking for something easier. If that were the case I wouldn’t have bothered with maxing out visions as a non-visions-meta spec in worse-than-mediocre gear. It’s more to do with the pressure from the party inherent to M+, which makes it unenjoyable at key levels worth running.

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Yeah…but you’ll never push those kinds of keys further than we already have. You’d be making something that’s more difficult and that takes longer. Unlike the current system, completion wouldn’t be a given. Why would anyone risk the time? It’s not efficient and that’s all this game rewards you for.

The problem is that you won’t push content like that very far. Pugs struggle with the mechanics that we already have. Given the choice between those two systems, it would be far more efficient to just miss the timer in the current m+. You get all the rewards either way.

That depends on how one thinks about it. Clearly a large number of players treat the timer bonus as a given and have no interest if it can’t be obtained, which in effect makes it not a bonus. You can do completion groups but it’s going to mean much more slim pickings for party members, particularly on team blue where there’s not many candidates in the first place.

And there might be some truth to that, but now you’re asking players to do something that’s harder and that will take longer. Only now…completion isn’t a given. That’s going to be a hard sell. If I can get the same reward in half the time, I know which option I’m taking.

I don’t see how or why Bliz should force the OP to play Horde.

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Adorable, but you know what I mean. :slight_smile:

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I know you’re just throwing doodoo at the wall to see what sticks, but immunity to interrupts after 2? Assuming the scaling is increased, SoA wouldn’t be doable at any meaningful level. Free casting groupwide AoE? That just becomes an unsolvable puzzle really quickly. I’m sure there are other examples as well, but this one really sticks out like a sore thumb.

Sure. And Heroic Raiding can be hardcore. Does that mean they should do away with Mythic Raids? I mean, as long as you’re jacking up the difficulty on the casual progression path, you could also lower the difficulty on hardcore progression. Call it what you want, but there was a great casual end game in WotLK that was centered around accessible dungeons, and now we have this “casual” requirement that you need KSM to fully participate in the valor system. Dance around it all you want and claim that the goalposts have simply been moved to where you believe they should always have been. It’s not bringing back the 40% of players that bailed last quarter.

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OK. 1000+ neckbeards on the forums alone:

You still can participate in using valor. You are looking at the system in a binary way. There are several goal posts, each for a different type of player. There are those who won’t do anything more than M0s and they can upgrade to 200. Then there’s the +5s, +10s, and then +15’s. No one is forced to get KSM if they don’t want to. No one needs the gear to get things done, they want the gear. Casuals have opportunities at different goal posts, they just have to choose what their goal is.

Just the nature of it, imo. That environment is not very PuG friendly, so of course PuGs are more prone to toxicity because there is no accountability, whereas with a guild or friends, players are generally more willing to help or learn. It’s a much more tolerant and understanding dynamic when there is less anonymity and more consequence for abusive behavior.

I would say 99% of my keys have been from full pugs and the times I have run into toxicity when requiring discord has been zero. The whole RIO thing developed because of pugs and when used properly does make a significant impact. Like you said if you are running with friends of guild, they don’t need to know IO.

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I’m actually putting blame on the seasonal affix. If there is anything that involves getting a certain percentage at an exact moment, you can bet there will be more issues.

At least the awakened affix let you choose your own routes and was OK if you mispulled something.

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It can be designed as raids are. Most wipes on technically difficult bosses don’t happen because the enrage is hit.

A neat twist would be coming up with ways to actually add time in your favor, but it would probably come across as a gimmick after a while.

I’m guess OP got declined to a +15

To the forums!!!

Will this dungeon system with no timer, that gives great gear, be like a mini-raid and take coordinated groups maybe 200 pulls to clear?


You could. In that scenario, completion is the challenge, but you get nothing if it doesn’t work out. I’m not sure that many players are on board with that. You already have raiding to scratch that itch.

Imo have to throw ideas and then reject them. That’s how ideas work, I came up with that stuff in 1 minute… so clearly there are other ways to approach this.