Your brother Vyse was a human warrior? I think he’s the guy who got me into a raiding guild back in the day.
Hey dude, I don’t know if you’re the same Vyse from back in the day, but if you are, you got me into raiding back in the day. My name was Wensesflail at the time. I was just some terrible warrior who liked PvP
Hey, I recognize your name from Skywall Brethren. I played Fireside, a dwarf priest. I came here looking to see if any other guildies were coming back, I could only remember Lockhorn, Jeldar and Kaj for names though.
Tinytriage (DWARF Priest) and Rio (NE ROG). Hollar at me, running a guild on Mankrik (alliance) MWTh 8-11PM raiding (im Panzito there).
I just saw this! We are on Bloodsail with some of my internet friends. How’s your horde guild looking? Maybe we should make toons over there soon too!
He lives! STV isn’t the same with out you in general chat.
Hey Varix!
This is Bhal the Holy Pally and one of your few American guildies.
Raiding with you guys was one of the best parts of the game.
Hey all!
Lvl 60 Human Paladin Lazario here! Ran a guild called McOwned for a couple of years until we transferred to Arathor and became Treason/Casual Friday.
Looking for any old friends looking to catch up or join up with a bunch of us that are playing on Myzreal. Hit me up @ goodknight65#1156. Good to see so many people from the old days checking in.
Do you remember a dwarf hunter named ShortxBrew? I mainly did pvp as well.
Hey all.
Yes Aussie im still alive…barely lol.
Any old KBR members interested in returning we are on Oceanic server Remulos.
Good seeing ppl remembered us considering we were raiding when everyone was asleep. Except for Kixx…Kixx never went to sleep.
And hey Bhal…long time mate. Im happy to hear we were a positive experience back in the day
Hey I think I was that kenneth xD i use to play hopery the gnome warlock and then Powyrn a draenei palladin, was part of a guild starting with R and was run by a rogue named juju?
Hey, it’s Karry here
Hey Diggy!
karry? were you a mage back then too?
Does it count as going to sleep if you just pass out?
LOL I still tell people about that to this day, yeah it was me that used the orb and someone definitely was like “where the heck did a tauren come from?” good times
Meldraith what realm are you playing on for classic im on Atiesh as Deadskinmask horde side
I played a dwarf hunter named Axlgrimor, I was in Paragon Knighthood if anyone remembers
i remember Shortxbrew >.<