Good to hear from you all! playing Blaumeux horde will probably roll an alliance toon as well
Demana from Blue Yak.
Good to see you, say hello to Ellennaric, what server you guys on?
thank you.
Was Rychard Human SP in Order of Shadows followed by Teutonic Knights.
Also was Nelf War named Drahcir, who is my current char on Atiesh.
Hey there, Thelma the Night Elf Hunter here! Louise was my pink flamingo pet, and I helped found the guild Sacred Samophlange. I missed you guys, and I’d love to just say hi to anyone who remembers me! I’m on Ashkandi now as Darsynia the mage.
Hey, got goosebumps seeing the old guild name! It’s Thelma here, I still have my old ‘beware of flamingo’ sign someone got me about Louise all those years ago. Long Live Sacred Samophlange!
Thelma, hey! A lot of the Sammies wound up on Fairbanks alliance side. Good to see you again!
Harry lives on, amen
Hey!!! Added ya! (I’m Delusionnal who just friended ya on bnet)
Neelam here NE rogue bounced around a few guilds but ended vanilla in Eternal Union. I had lubu on my friends list i havent seen him log on in a long time.
where is neversleep at?
Eternal union! hell yeah, Neelam here, wonder what happened to neversleep as well.
playing stalag Hord side now if any others are on there
That’s horrible. He’ll be missed! Thank you for the information.
Oh holy crap, Raven! I was actually trying to find out if you were still active on Skywall about a year ago. This is Meldraith, NE Druid - We played a fair bit together in Vanilla and chatted out of game quite a bit (On AIM, if I remember correctly!) Hopefully you see this, and maybe I’ll send you mail in-game. Would love to catch up though! feel free to add me, Kalivos#1782
Jadiss - Paladin (Dauntless, Kingdom of Nod)
Revolton - Warlock (Hand of Valor, Avatar, Dauntless, Kingdom of Nod)
Raptorial - Warrior (Dauntless, Kingdom of Nod)
Hit us up if you remember us @ Beth#1672
Well hollllly crap.
Mel!!! Tossed ya a battlenet friend request! I’m Delusionnal#1503
Hi Malf. Daco here. Add me on b net if you want to bs or something Cayd#1277
Hey Bavry, Daco here. I added you on b net. I’tll come us as Cayd.
Lynxincarnte NE hunter Avatar, Asperity, LPM
Back in the day my name was Wensesflail a human warrior
I remember being friends with Haircolor (I think he was a rogue) Smaug (a paladin) and Vyse or Vyze or Vise (can’t remember the spelling) You got me into raiding! You were a human warrior I’m pretty sure. Hope ya’ll are playing some classic.