Skywall Alliance Reconnections

He plays on Heartseeker

I was a druid.

Well hey there fellas. Took me too long to find this thread. I’m a casual Horde Druid on Skeram now (Steakum). I sure do miss that 05-06 crew: Eewee, Vespers, Pokerbunny, Tratur, Barhink, Thany, Hellfreeze, Lucious, Longspoon, Glyndoif, Lynlyth and so many others I can’t remember now.

Dryzt NE Warrior, Avatar/LPM

What’s up Laz!

hey! yup thats the old crew. sadly only a few of us left.

There are some really bad people in here!

Banesman, Human paladin. Never made it to endgame content in Wrath, but I remember always chatting with my guildies while leveling, getting advice. Be surprised if anyone remembered me; I don’t really remember any names from back then. Just figured I’d throw my name in, just in case. If the name rings a bell, good to see you again.

So i played a Dwarf Hunter Named Narfnarf
If you liked to Pug TOC and ICC then you probaly raided with our Guild. Oops i crit my pants.
I took over as Guild master after the Previous GM dipped. Moved on to create Unbreakable around Ruby Sanctum.

This is Asagiri from Nightwind / Asperity and or Ceras from god what all guilds, Driven to Conquer, Disconnected, and Frequency. I may have missed some, I did hop guilds a bit until I got settled after classic lol!

Currently playing on Pagle.

Shout outs to storm of four

Just came back to the game. Hope you’re still around dude.

Whats up dude

Ohhhh I do remember! That was back when we were in middle school or something lol

Had a handful of toons, Warrior named gamebeater, hunter named truegeek…

Hoping to find some old buddies like electrix or anyone else i used to raid with, This goes to anyone that recognizes me… Me and Smort the shaman/Orgnon(Chris) still play together…

We play retail on blackhand, main a warrior named Pauly, send me a ingame mail if you want to reconnect. Would be awesome!

Holy freaking crap the memories!!!

I’m back after 10 years, I was the icecream loving gnome Graberette from TWMBK way back when and these days I’m playing with my billion alts under Jooby and I’ve just gotten back to making silly videos.

Yeah I know, this is YEARS late. I’m working on Australian time :wink: