This happened about half a dozen times to me just yesterday on my druid. Seems worse on that character than others, maybe because I attempt to start flying while in motion?
this has been a long standing issue for engineers, I experienced this many times when going from using the glider to use nitro boost as soon as I land, I could DC. now its an issue with dragonriding, have had to teach myself to not double tap the jump function too quickly as the DC issue is very very annoying
This is happening to me all the time when trying to take off quickly after mounting. Sometimes I am able to reconnect immediately, other times it clears my login information and I have to type it all in, go to the authenticator and come back to a dead character…
This is an annoying bug and happens way too often. This is causing majority of my disconnects. Fix this garbage bug.
Happens to me in Flight form as well… Annoying af
I’ve been getting variations of this insta-DC for years. It’s extremely annoying.
IT happens as you said on occasion with skyriding, as well as when getting in a vehicle for a quest. It has gotten so bad, I am not using skyriding anymore. I didn’t have this issue like this back in Dragonfight. What did they do?
I haven’t got up set about this until now… Like fix it it’s been awhile.=
Been an issue since the start of dragonflight. It’s come and gone for me.
It happens way too much. my guess is the game is having a stroke thinking we’re somewhere we’re not seeing as its the same instant disconnect you’d get if you were to fall through the world.
Like 4 times today.
Just missed an important kill for one of the zone-final-WQs because of one of these stupid DCs.
for me i found this happens generally when taking off from water or weird rocky ground it’s almost as though the game can’t compute what you are trying to take off from and then just crashes.
Seems to happen me often after I got ore from the node, when I take off there’s probably 10% chance I’d get disconnected. I’ve also gotten disconnected if I made a sudden turn while flying at high speed.
I think it’s because you’re moving too quick and the server briefly loses track of your character’s position so where the client says I should be and where the server thinks I should be doesn’t match and kicks me out. I am guessing it’s related to movement hack that Blizz tried to kill off some years back
It kicked me all the way out of the game this time, had to restart.
This bug will never be fixed, ever.
Been in the game since DR started.
Been having this issue since the expansion launched.
Like going back to Dragonflight season 1 before it was fixed.
And I understand how this bug occurs but I honestly will never be able to avoid it.
Too often when I Jump (space) + space again to Skyward Ascend, I get disconnected in random places.
The workaround is: never jump, press the button for skyward ascend instead to start flying.
I don’t really like it but Devs should be able to fix the double space to start flying with Skyriding.
Happens to me a lot too. Mostly when you hit a ceiling or something sticking out.
Just had it happen when taking off out of a little pool of water in the main city in The Ringing Deeps. Maybe part of the bug is terrain related or maybe there are multiple bugs where one is terrain related and one is speed.
Just died on The Dawnbreaker. The second bomb was just set and we were to fly back to the main ship for Speaker Shadowcrown when I got kicked offline. I had shifted to flight form and right when I took off the screen froze and then I found myself at logon screen.
When I came back on, I was dead and floating in the air
If Blizz is reading this, my disconnect occurred probably 11:26 or 11:27 PM EDT September 29 I had to wait for the boss to die before I can release and rejoin them.
If you are like me, and use spacebar to hit twice to jump off the ground, I’ve found a workaround that helps is to just jump once lightly, and then hit space again for the 2nd time to fly up while you are already in the air. Seems to help when I remember to do it.
Constantly having this issue since TWW. It happens with instance vehicles and if i lift off from the ground using dragonflight. It really sucks because it happens so often.