Not just taking off, almost all things involved with skyriding making sudden changes in speed and direction can trigger a disconnect.
At a guess I’d say it’s because at just the wrong moment the server lags, and due to the high speeds of sky riding the server thinks you’re somewhere you can’t be then D/Cs you. Logging back in it restores you to the last known good location you were in.
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Sill happening to me. It started towards the end of Dragonflight and I kept thinking it was an addon or I needed to repair WoW, but those can be disregarded as I have repaired the install many times and have completely disabled addons to find it would still happen.
It is almost exclusively when taking off, (I mostly use Skyward Ascent) and there is usually terrain to one of my sides, but not always. Being DC’d when taking off from the Dawnbreaker in that dungeon during the first boss’s first overload is now a thing I dread on that boss. I stay connected hardly at all any more in that instance and I scramble to reconnect and hope my toon isn’t dead. And, it happens on alts as well as my main. Annoying it is STILL happening.
This has suddenly started happening to me as well. About twice a week Ill dc on skyriding take off. I cant replicate it on purpose, and it doesnt seem to be mount specific or character specific.
Very annoying. It is still happening.
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This is happening a lot, particularly on my druid. Very annoying.
It has happened to me more than three times in the Dawnbreaker M+. For me, it always happens during the first boss fight of the dungeon.
Still happening constantly.
Instead of Plunderstorm, how about some bug fixes instead yea?