As the title says, sometimes when you takeoff on a skyriding mount you get disconnected from the server instantly. I’m able to log back in immediately so I don’t think it has anything to do with my connection or even server issues.
It doesn’t happen that often compared to how often I take off and land, but it happens frequently enough that I think there’s something specifically related to skyriding takeoff that can trigger a disconnect that should be looked into.
It just happened about 4x in a row for me. Couldn’t take off without getting D/C’d.
Having this exact issue. Only get disconnected when taking off in dragon riding. I notice it more if I use the space bar to launch from the ground
I’ve gotten this a TON since TWW started.
Would really love some info on a fix, It really makes the Dawnbreaker dungeon unplayable
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I am so tired of running into bugs. I am having this same issue but in low xpacs. I’ve been leveling herbalism and mining in the lower areas since I figured I’d give TWW time to work out bugs. To my surprise, skyridng does an instant disco at least 1 out of 10 times taking off. Sometimes I can log back in, but sometimes I have to quit the game and restart
Also having the leveling out issue that makes gathering a REAL pain.
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comon blizz this is annoying.
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same issues. just had it happen 3 times in a row…
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Same issue I posted about, except I even triggered it while entering a pet battle. Ouch
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Happens to me a few times as well but not all the time. I can also reconnect right after.
This so frustrating, as I am the only person in my guild having this issue. It makes Dawnbreaker unplayable as I’ll get disconnected randomly during the boss fights. It seems like it happens less when using ‘2’ instead of spacebar to take off, but even so it still occasionally happens.
Can confirm this happens while in druid flight form.
I notice it most when I’m trying to fly out of bodies of water. It’s like the game thinks I’m trying to do something deceiving (or at least, that’s what I’m told is the reason for the disconnect). I always use spacebar to take off (so that might not be helping my cause either). Seems like, if I hit spacebar like 1 too many times, the D/C is guaranteed to come
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Yea it always feels like the game thought you were moving faster than you should have or in an unnatural way so it decides to boot you.
I feel like there’s some code that does a check and it fails to register that you’re now mounted and is applying some restriction to you based on non-mounted movement and kicks you.
100% this… had this happen enough during Dragonflight to be annoying any time you clipped into something…
Have disconnected probably a dozen times since launch… Super annoying and needs to be fixed.
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Wow this is really annoying. Its infuriating though when trying to gather. You pick up an herb take off and boom DC. Just happend to me now randomly while doing a WQ. I took off and instantly dc’ed.
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This was happening to me occasionally since launch, but after yesterday’s maintenance it seemed to become much more frequent. Last night it happened several times in a row on the same character so I gave up and went to bed. Today, that character can’t stay connected, when I log in to her my game crashes or is so choppy I can’t move, then disconnects. I tried playing on a different toon on a different server but that only helped for a little while. Now she has also been disconnected repeatedly while trying to take off and also cannot play. I’ve turned off all my mods, but that hasn’t made a difference. I’m afraid to even try to mount up on another toon and have them get locked out too. Really hope this gets sorted out soon.
Edited to add that opening my bags is causing this same behavior now too.
Happened about 3 times today to me either on take off or when i get near a tree.
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Just adding my voice - I find that using my Druid flight form - dragonriding style - I will often disconnect when attempting to exit a body of water, or if hit a wall or am jumping up to fly from a tight place.
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