Skyriding needs to be mount-by-mount toggle, not one-size-fits-all

No thank you …I one that needs to use steady flight cause of health issues and physical ones, so you just want to slam all of us that are disabled and physical issues with dragon flying and make them all use ground mounts only…how Druid of you …NOT…and here I was sticking up for Druids not to ruin their flight form…


That doesn’t really solve the problem, the problem is that the new flying system isn’t very good for when you need to land and take off repeatedly, for example herbing/mining, or some kinds of questing. Old flying is very, very optimized for precisely this, but the new flying isn’t because vigor takes time to recharge. Spending vigor to switch to old flying for a little bit is the opposite of the answer to this problem.

I maintain that the true solution is to just instantly regenerate all vigor after being on the ground for 3 seconds or so, and then this argument can be put to bed basically forever because the major thing keeping people wanting to use old flying are these specific use cases that new flying doesn’t serve well.


Yeah, make the game horrible for others while not disadvantaging you. Thats a noble attitude to take.

Gawd, why do we not have a downvote.


Druids have it really bad. Not sure why it reached that point.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


Just wanted to say I agree with the OP :100:


They probably won’t do this because it would require another variable to be saved for each mount and thus more programming.

Agreed. Get rid of the cast time on the toggle as well.

I think we all have to adapt to changes and move on.

I agree with OP. Toggle needs to be either mount-by-mount (with a toggle to switch all for those who want that), or switching needs to be instant cast.
I already miss having the ability to switch between them that I had before the pre-patch, because dynamic flight is terrible for landing on some mining nodes, or doing short hop flights when gathering - especially since they removed the boosted vigour recharge after gathering.


yes please

A solution to this issue would be to have a couple of check boxes/toggles on the mount page to select how you want to choose flight styles. One box would be for manually choosing which mounts + which flying style, then you could have the other be an ‘all’ choice. So you wouldn’t have to go through each mount. These things actually have pretty simple solutions in game design.

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My bar was basically the same as yours: Skyriding mount, steady flight mount, vendor/mog mount, sea turtle for aquatic. It was so quick & easy to just shift+3 to get to my mount bar, & click whichever mount I needed for whatever task I was doing. Sigh… I sure do hope they allow us the freedom to choose.


Which they had just left it alone way it was before the patch but nope…Blizzard always has to step in and screw it up some how and since its about flight I am sure Ion has his fingerprints all over this switch now …he hates flying…


All of us do to be frank.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:


I don’t know how easy this would be to implement, but having Stable vs. Skyriding chosen when the mount is summoned would be the best choice for me.

One could even have something like Griffon (Skyriding) on the action bar right next to Griffon (Stable).

Or have a “Summon Random Skyriding Mount” button and a “Summon Random Stable Flying Mount” button.


That seems possible but they went with a method that in their minds was easier to do. I think the entire concept was not thought out or planned properly.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:


They could add a profession item that turns a specific mount into a steady flight mount.

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this is another clear example of the devs not actually playing the game because this would have never gone live like this with how clunky and dumb it is if they did.


I concur that most of the devs do not play WoW. Any WoW player that played during Dragonflight expansion would know how popular it was for players to switch between DR and TBC normal flying.

Think about it.

:thinking: :thinking: :thinking:

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


Dev’s are too busy sticking it too Disabled players with mandatory Pathfinder for Steady Flight…