Skyriding needs to be mount-by-mount toggle, not one-size-fits-all

The mount system design was fantastic in season 4. If I wanted to Dragon(Sky) ride, I’d use a mount of that type. If I wanted to normal fly, I’d use a mount of that type. I very frequently used both. When traveling around Valdrakken, or other cities, I’d use a normal mount. When needing to afk in a pinch in the open world, I’d use a normal mount. When needing to cover large distances quickly, I’d Dragon(Sky) ride.

Now it appears I cannot play the game this way without incurring inefficiency, or frequent interruptions in my gameplay to change and wait for setting adjustments. My suggestions:

  1. Allow the toggle to be on a mount-by-mount basis.
  2. Offer mounts that are specifically only 1 type, and they can be used at all times (e.g. a mount that is only normal flight mode and will work as a normal flight mode when skyriding mode is enabled.) Make at least a few of these mount types be easily accessible.
  3. Adjust the cooldown for changing the skyriding/normal flight mode setting instant. This way it can be macro’d on a mount-by-mount basis.
  4. Side request, druid flight form thematically as skyriding feels wrong. Some may like this so I won’t ask that it be reverted, but please allow it to be a custom/specific setting as well for those of us that like it the old way all the time.

Thank you for your time.


Thank you for your post and I am inclined to agree. That is the best path forward for it was simple and it worked just fine!

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


I agree with you whole-heartedly. We should be able to choose which mounts we want to use as skyriding & steadyflight. I miss having my skyriding mount & my steadyflight on my action bars so I could easliy switch between them for when I just need to fly over a hill I can’t climb over or I need to hover to find something. I enjoy both types of mount riding, but I want the ability to choose.


The ability to choose is very important because it allow for better game play flow.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


Here to voice my concerns too. Choice is important. I have always kept my bars loaded with two mounts–one for regular flight and one for Dragonriding.

This wouldn’t be such a big deal if the toggle wasn’t 5-seconds AND required you to be dismounted.

Sometimes, I need to AFK in the air (so a mob doesn’t smack me on the ground). I also use steady flying all the time when doing a quest and the objectives are close together. I don’t like the spaz-out nature of being on a Dragonriding mount when things are near.

But if I want to swap? I have to land remount, and start from the ground. That is just absolutely lame considering I was once able to simply use two mounts. Having the swap being castable while mounted would be fine.


Totally agree with the above posts. DON’T want all my mounts to be either or. WANT them to have different abilities. This is a GIANT STEP BACKWARDS.


yup! sure does need to be mount specific like it was…


An instant toggle is just too easy to abuse. Lowering the toggle time to 1 or 2 seconds, or providing an option to permanently toggle mounts that aren’t instant casts to swim mode doesn’t have that abuse so should be reasonable.


Yes agree.

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There is no way i want to click through 667 mounts to toggle flight on each one you all are insane!


I have two mounts on my hotbars: one with dragonriding and the other with normal flight. I like to use one or the other based upon various needs.


The absolute state of the WoW playerbase.

Entitled would be underselling these whine threads by a large degree.


Why would you even need to do that?

You aren’t actually actively using 667 mounts are you? Surely not.

This is a ridiculous statement to even make.

How it would really work is:

You have a character that typically uses one or two mounts. You select which flight type you use for those one or two mounts, and off you go.

Even if it’s 10 mounts per character, this isn’t 667 mounts you’d have to select a flight style for. Way to exaggerate the issue.


I understand your perspective, but I think you’re missing the bigger picture here. Yes, I do have 667 mounts, and while I might not actively use every single one every day, I earned them all and enjoy the variety they bring. It’s not just about having one or two mounts per character – it’s about having the freedom to choose and use any of them when I feel like it.

Now, let’s consider my 57 max-level characters. Even if I were to limit myself to just 2 mounts per character, that’s still a lot of clicking to set the flight style for each one. Your suggestion of using only a few mounts per character oversimplifies the issue and ignores the effort and enjoyment that comes from having a large collection.

A more practical solution would be to leave the option to choose between dragon riding and regular flying, but with improvements like reducing the cast time and adding a 15-minute recast time. This way, it accommodates those of us who enjoy using our full collection without excessive hassle.

It’s not about exaggeration – it’s about ensuring a smoother experience for those of us who have invested time and effort into building our collections and want to use them to their fullest.


Completely agree with this posting! I want back flying style per mount type ASAP please. This new toggle for all mounts, let alone a 5+ second interruption is really bad.


Why would that happen? Obviously all the mounts will start with a default style (can be Skyriding as it is now) which can then be changed to what you want it to be for that mount.

When you buy a pack of oreos, do you get the biscuits and cream packaged separately?
No, you get it with the cream in the middle. After that it’s up to you whether you’d like to open them up to eat just the cream or the biscuits, or eat them as they came through.


I second this. The change disproportionately negatively effects druids. It feels terrible.


I just don’t understand why they won’t just FRICKEN TELL US WHY they made this idiotic 5 second, one size fits all change.

Is it due to your perceived notion of fairness?
To reduce “cheating” (an asinine justification)?
It’s “not technically possible”??

Wtf is it? And why are you so adamant on your stance?

We literally had this system working just fine before this prepatch, where you could pick and choose what flight to use so it can’t be that technically challenging?



Got on the forums to say basically this. Please 2 buttons at least for druids. I used travel/flight form or dragonflying mounts separately. I don’t want to skyride or whatever all the time in DRUID FORM. Who asked for this??


It would really make life easier for many players. Unfortunately Blizzard likes to punish us for getting features we like.