Skyriding needs to be mount-by-mount toggle, not one-size-fits-all

Players were having too much fun and freedom.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

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OR just the mounts to function both ways.
The mount operates just how it does pre-dragonflight, spacebar to fly upwards, move like usual and hover. Then if you want to use skyriding, you use the skyriding buttons like the upwards flap, speed boost and when you run out of vigor, your mount continues to fly pre-dragonflight style while your vigor recharges.

Saves having to switch back and forth.

Allow the options to be mix, skyriding or classic.
Mix = suggestion above.
Skyriding = exclusively skyriding only.
Classic = pre-dragonflight style.

Or, or, hear me out, the switch isn’t even a cast you have to dismount for but can just switch mid-riding on any mount on a dime instantly with the click of a button.

Why not have the mount function with both abilities instead of switching?

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I have a sneaking suspicion that the game client can’t handle it. The cracks really started showing when they expanded glider racing beyond the current expansion.

yes please good idea

The game client can definitely handle it.
Heirloom gear used to be account bound and you’d have to mail it around. Now it’s in a tab that you can easily create from any character.
We now have account wide achievements.
They completely revamped professions.
Level squish and you can level in any pre-expansion era.
Item scaling.
Shared zone worlds with other realms.
They introduced dragon riding.

They brought back classic and introduced seasons of discovery, there’s hardcore mode, plunderstorm.

So I don’t think it’s a game client issue.
It’s a coding issue that they just need to work on.

Blizz how about we get to pick, say, 5 mounts that can be toggled to skyriding (IOW, a very limited one-size-fits-all). We get to switch in and out of this “toggle corral” any mounts we want, ofc, but are limited to only 5 at a time.


I haven’t actually played in the Dragon Isles. After I bought the game on a Black Friday sale, I leveled up in Timewalking and sometimes did dungeons, but mostly old content. Haven’t done mythic dungeons since they rescaled them. Today I had a character doing questing in the Dragon Isles to try to unlock the Valdrakken portal, now that normal flight is freely available. I had tried before but finally succeeded in completing the Dragonriding questline. And what I found was that flying through a glyph on my druid flight form in normal flight mode learns it.


The way it is now is really stupid. the ability to choose would be nice but with lots of mounts that is one hell of a pain to set up. i would prefer to have the old way where you choose which type of mount you want to use. Personally i also find it annoying that the ground mounts can now fly. The other really annoying thing is the ride along option. 90% of the time i am using this and now you get all the old mounts on the random mount option and none of the old mounts so far have allowed a passenger to get on. So i can’t even use the random mount option to see different mounts in different areas

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This is why the reduced the speed of DR in the old world and TWW maps, because it was putting too much stress on servers and those old and newly designed smaller maps.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

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look at what they did to one of the most iconic mounts in the game

before TWW

after TWW below


And now they’ve converted hundreds of mounts to become usable as gliding vehicles. This is, to me, the biggest demand they’ve made on the game client. As expected, it short-sheeted a multitude of other things in the game. Suffusion camps just went “poof”, quests that should trigger when you hit max level don’t, no pre-70 weeklies after having them for the entire expansion. Not to mention the increase in disconnects and extended maintenance windows. And need we even mention their much-ballyhooed Warband bank?


I’d really like to go back to what was working nicely for me before - standard flight style when using flight form for covering short distances while questing, or jumping on a dragon if I want to blast across a continent.

imo, make the toggle instant and let me macro it into my existing flight form and mount keybinds.


I don’t understand this at all. You still had to land and switch before. Just pick one style and leave it. This is so not an issue IMO. 5 seconds…really.

I tend to agree with the OP. I like the idea of having a few mounts that are set to standard flight without me needing to keep swapping over on a status across all mounts. It would not be an issue for anyone else if it was a matter of personal choice.

That way the time it takes to switch wouldn’t be a big concern, because I could have a couple of standard flight mounts on an action bar and use those when I wanted the style.


As an alternative that would diminish my desire to use old flying basically at all, just make all vigor instantly regenerate after being on the ground for 3 seconds. Boom, done, all issues with mining/herbing/questing are dealt with, I can now just use the new flying system forever without thinking about old flying ever again.

I don’t really understand why we have to wait around for a minute after expending all of our vigor anyway, what’s the point?

I agree and would love to see this implemented!

It is for Druids…and its is for rest having to waste 5 secs over a course of one day adds up with waste time trying to play and enjoy the game…it needs to go back to what we had just before this dumb patch changed it.


Mount by mount toggle is not something I’ll support. I play a variety of characters who have 4-6 of their own special mounts. And if I get new ones or want to spice things up I have to go through a process to change?
Nope, hard pass.

Remove old flying, add timed hovering using vigor. Boom, fixed.

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