Skyriding needs to be mount-by-mount toggle, not one-size-fits-all

Do not fear the holy flying wars are starting and will continue well beyond launch date.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

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You know if I lived close to where the WoW bldg is in CA I would be out there picketing their campus with signs …about this unfair pathfinder…

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That is not a bad idea at all.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

I heard that druids are teaming up to plant a literal forest of redwood saplings on-site in protest of the flight form nerf.


I was on board with it, until I read this & I changed my mind.

Fair point.

That would be funny.

Imagine the water bill in Irvine CA of all places.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

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Hehe they grow about as fast as Blizz druid dev’s love of treants so its fair.

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Yes they do.


:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

No. Horrible take in every sense, overall and in every point.

While that might help to an extent it shouldn’t reach that point when easier solutions exist.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

A Similar half comment was made on a previous post about skyriding, in their i also agree.

It may be too much for those that have a large collection of mounts. But being able to pick how each mount uses either DR or TBC normal flying is more choices for players.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

Deleted the Sky riding button from my bar and deleted the dragon also. No more of the vigor crap for me.


Sorry to hear that but ironically the toggle switch is making people make a stand it seems. I think there is a cluster of players that want to use both but BlizZard is taking three steps back again.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

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God yes please, I really REALLY REAAAAAALLY miss the old druid flight form and having a dragon riding mount.


Freedom of choice is integral for the feeling of playing in a MMORPG like WoW.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

i agree, but i can see some messiness in terms of how it’s set-up. the game would have to remember what each mount is set to, regular, or skyriding. now, on someone who’s new and has like, 12 mounts? not a big deal. for some of the old timers with hundreds though? that… could be a problem.

i mean, blizzard’s servers are slow-enough as is with folks just trying to play the game, (if you need proof, try playing it on any patch-day) you think they can hand that level of stuff to remember?

again, to clarify, i agree with your idea OP, but i’m not sure blizzard could handle it.

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Because people felt bad about it. These days, that’s more important than anything else, it seems.

OT: I agree with OP. Have a toggle for each mount, or specific mounts that only do one or the other. Skyriding with “magical” mounts that don’t have wings feels horrible and looks ridiculous.

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I said something similar in a different post.

Having it a global setting is fine, but you need individual overrides as well.

I DO NOT was to see mounts that can only do one specific flight method. No need for that at all.

It is a hell of a lot simpler to have a mount setup for stable flying, and one setup up for dragon gliding, and the rest that do not have individual methods setup, use the global value.

It is standard development practice, not just in gaming but in web applications you would have a global setting, and the ability to have individual overrides.

The only reason why I can see why it is not that way is a dev proposed global and individual settings to the coders. They said how much extra time would be involved to do it, and the overall director thought it was too time consuming and said no.

Can pretty much guess who the guy was that said no is.

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Taking away how players approach the game with regarding flight is a bad move.

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