Skyriding needs to be mount-by-mount toggle, not one-size-fits-all

Blizzard should of left this flying alone and just allowed it to continue the way its been since finally adding Steady Flight too Dragon Flight and just rolled it over too TWW…everyone would of been happy…but nope…a certain Blizzard Dev couldn’t just leave it alone now…he had to go in and screw it all up…


I have to ask, do you realize that your argument is built on the notion that you are going to sit down and go though all 57 of your characters and one by one select each of hundreds of mount to be standard/skyriding in one sitting.

Rather than the way that any sane person would do it, by selecting the type of flying when they decide to use a set of mounts on a character. Only needing to change one or two when they decide to switch up mounts.

I get that you don’t want options, and in the system most of us are asking for you would still be able to just set everything to one setting and not think about it anymore.

While the rest of us would have the option to keep more than one keybind for different types of flight with only the need to land and switch mounts to hold us back, the way it worked for the entirety of Dragonflight without being an issue.


This mess has been going since WoD…blizzard screwing around with flying over and over …they just couldn’t leave it alone nope…the game finally gets a fast flight that makes tons of players happy…sure for some it was bad but we finally got steady Flight put into Dragon Flight expansion.

Every thing is going good with flying some players got their fast flying the others have the slow flying …then comes time for next expansion TWW and boom what happens flying gets all screwed up again …just can’t leave it alone can you blizzard…just couldn’t roll it over and make everyone happy.


As a druid, I can say skyriding feels fine, BUT… I would prefer to have a separate form for it, in the same way travel form and mount form are different.


The old flying is only preserves as of now because of a few people have motion sickness issues, but that won’t be an issue long term as Dragon riding improves

And as we approach that, it stands to reason old flying will begin to fade away. The fact that there is even old flying at all is impressive, and what people don’t realize is that dead features don’t typically get support

Careful, the grass looks greener when you think QoL, but if dev time gets committed to this lane, removal of the feature becomes the most statistically likely over time

I’m enjoying using old mounts in skyriding. Don’t let me lose that ability.

But the 5s cast needs to go. And make it so it doesn’t dismount.

If they do/can fiddle with it further, I’d like the ability to toggle a specific mount to be character specific. Just get all the permutations done in one go.

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Think people would rather just be able to set each flier independently. Cast time at that point on the toggle would be irrelevant (within reason obviously).

Its more then a few players and its more then just motion sickness now…more and more players are just finding out what going to happen with TWW and stupid Pathfinder again dumped on Steady Flight…


Again, each mount could have two selection choices with little circles, og flying - df


Druids and well any class that isn’t mobile by default, Paladins feel REALLY bad to play rn because we’re so slow and Mounts literally fixed that single pain point.

Playing a Paladin now feels so beyond sluggish and Crusader Aura feels completely and utterly useless

And we’re not asking for support, we’re asking for the feature to function the way it did for 18 years.


I agree.
It would also be nice if the button toggles icon we have changed to reflect what flight we have selected.

I don’t know anybody that doesn’t use both. They both have their uses.
If I had to choose between the two I would pick old flight 100% and I don’t have any issues with motion sickness.


Can you explain why steady flight requires extra dev time or support that skyriding doesn’t? Because I can’t think of any reason it would need extra.


I agree, tbh. I hate having to toggle it on and off, just let me set which ones I wanna use for dragon riding and which ones I don’t please XD

Ah yes, the dead feature - which is why so many people still use it.

Listen dynamic riding is fun, but the player base is very obviously divided. It’s a stretch to call steady flying a ‘dead’ feature.

What dev time is really needed for this exactly? “It’s hard for the devs!” really needs to stop being an excuse players use.


I think the simplest solution to the issue is to only remove the 5 second cast time. If you keep the need to dismount and then remount, it’s effectively the same as before the patch. (But of course, now has the added benefit of being able to use any mount for any flight method.) That way, we have lost nothing of the previous functionality, and gained the variety they were going for with all mounts being able to do all the things.
Old method was having to dismount from one mount to swap to the other. That requires getting your feet on the ground and summoning your other mount.
The current new method has all that, along with a lovely 5 second delay while you swap flight styles >.< oof.
If you just remove the 5 second cast time and make it instant, then you are effectively right back to the amount of time it took to swap in the old style. You still need to get your feet on the ground and summon a mount (any mount you want!) with no difference whatsoever in the time it takes. I mean, I guess it could still take half a second longer since you have to hit a toggle button before remounting, but, Hey I had two mount buttons before, I just replace one of them with the toggle now, It’s not a biggie to me. And like so many others mentioned, you can macro all that, and make mods to do stuff like this.
My question is: is it just some sort of exploitation that the 5sec cast time is preventing? (Druid flight form hax maybe?) Then, maybe a quarter second cast time instead of pure toggle would be the solution to absolutely make sure your feet are firmly on that ground there.
Either way 5 seconds is an incredibly annoying delay for those of us that used to swap between two different flight styles frequently before the patch. I love that all my mounts can do either style now however and whenever I want, but having to wait so long between swapping now just feels bad. That part feels like a downgrade.

(oo and other idea: bonus points for adding in the ability to set specific mounts to specific flight styles. Like: Skyriding, Steady Flight, or Current toggle setting. That would be amazing)

I suspect there would be a lot of people quitting if “slow flying” goes away. I know I am already tempted at this point, but I paid for a year so it won’t really be noticed until next April. This is an easy thing to fix, but I suspect pride is the main thing in the way. “How dare you not like this thing I made?”


I so totally agree with the OP, it isn’t even funny. Further, my druid form says HI, and CAN I PLEASE HAVE MY REGULAR ABILITY BACK? Blizzard took away not just my moonkin form, but my ability to shapeshift instantly into regular flight form. I hate it.


Part of my problem with the toggle switch is that I can seldom remember what style of flying I last used. Here is a typical sequence for me:

  • Land from whatever style I was flying in
  • Do my thing, which sometimes takes me many minutes
  • Start to fly away again, but I have the wrong style of flying for whatever I have to do next
  • Cast that frigging 5-second toggle
  • Fly away

Sometimes mobs and baddies get me before I can make the toggle switch/while I am in the middle of the toggle switch., so I have to deal with them before I can move on to whatever I needed to do next. More time wasted.

The whole toggle switch/cast is a destroyer of “immersion” for me, maybe not others. It def is a lower QOL for me, especially if I want to use my druid flight form. And let’s not forget the senior moments I sometimes have where I think I can fly one way, but then discover I cannot, so I have to recast again until I hit the right flying style…


This absolutely happens to me a lot too. I know it will partly get better as I get more used to the new system, but that 5 sec cast time just feels so bad. That toggle button should really be two dramatically different colors, too. I have my buttons set to a pretty small size, and glance at that toggle button does not tell me quickly which mode I’m in lol.

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