Skyriding needs to be mount-by-mount toggle, not one-size-fits-all

I’d rather have mounts either be skyriders or steady like before, but that’s not how things are gonna go. This is just like when they took water-walking away from the water striders in order to let us have it on ‘every mount’ with mount equipment.

And the one mount that’s forced into steady flight, the Otterworldly Ottuk Carrier, can’t fly at all while skyriding’s toggled on. The convenience has been taken away in favor of the aesthetics of ‘you can skyride with all of your favorite mounts now!’


Adding this weird toggle is the most annoying change I’ve seen in a while from Blizzard, I hope they undo it. It seems like they really want to force everyone to use Dragonriding and just won’t get over the fact that some people don’t like it.


Mount equipments (yes those still exist) are across your whole mount collection with no way to do it per mount (if you wanted to waste your gold that way anyway).

Thinking the full collection toggle was the only way they could make it work.

I was So frustrated using this weird toggle feature that I clicked it mid-flight and fell to my death.

There’s an option that prevents usage of skills whilst in the air.

That frustrated me as well, so I chose not to use it. I guess them the brakes. :frowning:

I like the changes, and sky riding as a druid and other mounts as well. The button seems to be there more for accessibility reasons rather than “efficiency” reasons imo.

I think an instant cast would be just fine to change the flight style but maybe they do that so it can’t be changed while actually flying.

Like you have to be dismounted to change the type of flight the mounts will take on because the coding works that way.

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I play my druids because I like having insta flight form. I want to be able to strafe and hover when flying. Or just from one side of the main square to the other - ie bank to the AH.

I also really like having the Dragonriding when I need to go from one end of the map to another.

It’s annoying that they made it all or nothing. Give me the option to toggle from mount to mount or just keep it the way it was prepatch. :-\


I mean I have every mount aside from about 3 - 5 that don’t increase my speed favorited in my list, so I’d use 'em all.

But I wouldn’t gripe going through my full list and choosing whether to use it for sky/standard flying if it was an option.


Having not had Beta when I first heard of this feature I was under the impression it would allow you to switch you non Skyridiing mounts to have said ability or if you choose not activate it, nothing changed. Had no idea this was an all or nothing, but suggests as others outside all this forum are saying Blizz wants to phase out normal flying.

There was a content creator who was saying ‘just get rid of the old flying, problem solved.’ Guessing they aren’t playing gathering professions or trying to land in a precise location. End up spending extra vigor because either bounce or skid off a cliff. Trying to get over high terrain and running out of vigor was a pain before, but even more so now. When I was playing my alts and getting Dragonscale Expedition rep via Banners, it was lot easier to do a regular flying mount.


Nah make it a cd. Do it like a 2 min cd I’d done while mounted but it’s instant at this point in wow. There is really no point in adding arbitrary friction. .

What’s more likely, hmm…

Blizzard creating a database setting for millions of players hundreds of mounts (per player) or forcing players to click a quick button to toggle.

My money is on the fact that you’ll keep having to toggle and that they aren’t gonna allocate a gigabyte of hard drive space for the database room for millions of players mounts just to remember if they want it to be skyriding or static when they can change it in a couple seconds.

also needs to be smarter. using random mount with skyriding enabled just gave me one of the steady flight only mounts… oops splat. Have now gone in and removed them from favs.

They should have at least made it an on off instead of a cast. I like the increased speed of the normal flying but with how it is now I rather just go back.

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I seriously thought this is how it was going to be implemented when they said more mounts would get dragon flying. This new system is just so bad and lazy. Not to mention, a lot of people with limited accessibility cannot use dragon flying.


Blizzard: You will take the 5 seconds cooldown and like it!

Even if such thing didn’t exist before and you could switch from dragon riding to normal flight instantly by switching mounts.


I find myself switching back and forth allot. They need to just get rid of the cd or something.


No they need to get rid of that toggle and put the old system back.


solution needs to be found.

ive got 4 mounts on my bars…
vendor mount
skyriding (when i want to be engaged, and feel like im going faster)
flying (a horse, when i want to fly in tighter spaces, like cities)

All flying mounts shouldn’t be skyriding. mounts without wings look ridiculous. and why a 5 second cast time to switch anyway??


I agree we should be able to do a mount by mount, but I also totally love the all mounts…

Would be nice to be able to bring up 1 mount and choose what you want it to be. And still keep the all mounts ability.

I have lots of mounts, I switch around frequently. I normally do not do skyriding as I have motion sickness. But, there are some areas where you Have to have it or you can’t complete the quest/fly in that particular area. Timeline quests come to mind. Part of it you have to have skyriding to get back up, and to get down from the main platform. Regular flying is grounded in those areas.

There are a couple of other areas I’ve discovered as well. Non skyriding mounts are grounded. I don’t off hand remember where they are though.

Instant cast would be nice, but knowling Blizz… I doubt it will happen. lol

We are punished for wanting to fly. Either do the motion sickness flight or be patient. :wink:

Also, I think they don’t particularly want us zipping from one type to another for resource harvesting. And I’m sure there are other reasons.

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