Skyriding needs to be mount-by-mount toggle, not one-size-fits-all

So which mounts are steady flying?

None. The initial notice was that some, but not all mounts would be able to switch to skyriding. That was more than satisfactory. However, the reality is horrible. I too use both styles of flying frequently, and am finding it inefficient the way it was implemented. Please, please fix this mess!! Luckily I was attempting the switch while playing in Remix, so fall damage wasn’t an issue. Otherwise …splat!


I am sticking with TBC normal flying so all of my mounts.


:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:


Skidd nailed this on the head.

I was the same way. I had one of each mount and used both flight styles often. Now we get penalized with an additional 5 seconds to swap flight modes on top of our 1.5 sec cast to summon our mount.

Either make the toggle a true toggle - meaning instant. Or give us the ability to choose which flight style we want on each mount.

Dragonriding/Skyriding is great and has its uses but so does Steady Flight. Skyriding being applied to almost every flying mount is great but every other change and choice was awful.


One irony of this is DF made a big deal about dragons and customizing them. Why bother now?


Or would it be so hard to allow us to use the same mount to do both forms of flying? Sure, it would require to separate keybinds, but it should still be an option.

Either way, get rid of the goofy cast to switch between flying forms. Whatever dev came up with that bright idea needs to have his opinions muted from future content… in any Blizzard game.


Agree! If for any reason i ran out of vigor, i would just hop on a normal mount and keep going. Now i actually need to sit there and wait for vigor to recharge :frowning:


100% agree. I thought it was going to be a mount-by-mount basis not toggled across all mounts.

I use skyriding when going long distances for speed, and use normal normal flying when questing in an area and fly short distances.

If this is how it’s going to be I would rather it go to how it was before and not give us a choice. Have your skyriding mounts and have your normal flying mounts.

Blizzard please fix this.


I don’t even need a fancy UI for this, Just give me two separate commands I could put in a macro:

/steady Some Mount
/skyride Some Mount

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Most people try to use what they can when needed. That is a good point.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

It would be easier and simpler for blizz to just remove the cast time for the switching flight styles ability. Just make it instant cast without having to dismount (but you are required to be on the ground) and bam! Problem solved.


Exactly this! Blizz, please allow us to choose by mount. The default can be not Skyriding like it was and then if we want a specific mount to be able to skyride, we can turn it on for that mount.


Such a simple fix. Although I do see them combining both in some way in the near future.

The thing is, they don’t WANT you to switch as easily as before.


Make it instant cast while mounted! Simple as that no time wasted other than a quick click of the pointer!

kind of irrelevant when you can’t use all of them on any one character, and about half of them can’t fly anyway.

are you sure?


But why not? What problem do they think is being solved by this change?


Make it like a hunter’s call pet. You get 5 (or whatever number) of slots for sky riding and the same number for normal flying. You put the mounts you want to use in each slot and off you go. You can swap them out as desired.


The 5 second toggle falls into the category of “disrupts gameplay for no apparent reason” in my opinion.

There’s no lore reason for it to be a hard switch. It’s not like your mount has to land so it can switch motors or something.

More player choices when it comes to travel and navigating the world is a good thing. It’s an MMO, we have to travel, but that doesn’t mean you should have to pick one and stick with it. Imagine if they merged flying and ground mounts with this same system.

It is a definite downgrade for however many of us liked to use both flying types. If there’s some technical reason blizzard has to have an ability be used to swap the least they could do is make it instant cast off the GCD instead of 5 seconds. At least it would be easy to macro and bring back the exact same functionality we previously had.


Must agree with that. I want back my quality of life that was removed.