Skyriding needs to be mount-by-mount toggle, not one-size-fits-all

Agreed. The new system is an objective downgrade from the old one.


Yes people play differently based on alts, mains, leveling, professions, etc That is why it is a big backwards step.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


I 100% agree with this post. Season 3 and 4 of DF had it right.

As a druid, I liked having regular flying in flight form and I could mount when I wanted skyriding. It’s such a small thing but is really the worst part of this expansion so far.


yes a mount toggle on a all or nothing button


If I understand what you’re saying, you would like for a “flying type” toggle to be stored for each mount.

That seems like a good idea to me, but then, how do you incorporate the 5 s cast to change flying type?

Or do you want to get rid of it?

Or you’re saying you want to have a 5 s cooldown before you can cast your new mount, if your old one was set to a different flying type?

just default to old flight.
But why in gods name would you need to toggle ANY mounts but the ones you are currently using? lol


I, like many others, agree. I was very disappointed to discover that it’s a one and all for whichever riding you choose. I really enjoyed having my dynamic flyer and my normal flyer that I could switch easily between depending on the situation.

I would really appreciate the option being included in a future update that will allow us to pick and choose the mounts independently.


Flying was perfect last patch. Now it’s been considerably downgraded.


That does make me gloomy.


:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


That would require a ridiculous amount of time.

Just make it so toggling flight modes dismounts you, and it’s no more abuseable than keeping two different flying mode mounts on your action bars in S4.


same, I use Opie and use both normal mounts and skyriding every day. I’m so irritated that they implemented it this way that I don’t even want to play. I thought you would be able to toggle which mounts use skyriding and which ones don’t, that’s the way it really should be.


Having them all skyriding by defult is fine, we just want the ability to toggle off the skyriding for certain mounts. So you wouldn’t have to change all of your mounts to be able to use them to your fullest.


I used a random Skyriding mount for Skyriding, and a random Steady Flying mount for Steady Flying.

So, no, setting a handful of mounts to Steady Flying wouldn’t really give me what I had.

However, I’m sure mod developers can handle these cases to make these things easier


I dont know who thought it was a good idea to remove functionality but that’s what this did. Change it.


Do it by mount type. Example : by horses, by drakes.


I actually wouldn’t mind being able to set certain mounts or types based on my flying needs. This gets a +1 from me.


The fact that it includes Flight Form is actual feces.


An unexpected side effect for me is that some of my favorite mounts make me seasick when Skyriding, something about the animations or the angle just isn’t working for me (and I’ve never gotten seasick from Skyriding before). So now I guess I’ll have to just unfave them so they don’t show up when I have Skyriding toggled on. Also hard agree that the 5 second cast on it is absurd. This sounded good on paper but in practice it’s a mess.


I agree. Default everything to skyriding but then let me change the ones I want for precision riding. When it was to be only a certain number of mounts it was a great idea, I had choice but they just did this change with little to no warning - unilateral decision making at its best. The switching between the styles adds time and that can effect the game. And before you go “it’s only seconds” stop and think how “only seconds” has hindered the game for other things in the past. Adding time, and a second action because you have to remount too, does not efficiency make.

At least they are listening to their customers with a lot of the changes. But they have the data for this, they know how many people switch between the two, skyriding and precision, and how it is used. Time matters, even seconds.