Skyriding is too hard for disabled gamers

How do I send you a DM here (blurred for other reasons) as you can see so we can talk more and get more on the front foot with other disable people here?

Idk what you think blurring will do. This is a public forum lol.

P.S. Care to address this?


this thread is pointless.


This thread has been very productive as it is about helping out disabled gamers and that is something we all can agree on.


:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


Unfortunately it would be if you could refrain from spamming it.

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No it isn’t.


That is a very salient point all around. Which is why I believe that we are approaching the truth of the subject matter at hand.


:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

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dude all you down is spam this thread and more you more do it, Personally I really don’t care if disable players had do extra work to get flying. Adding flying this game is was big mistake on Blizzard and I rather see it gone.

Personally I think that disabled players are the first to be impacted the most by pf gating and then how dragon riding/sky riding was designed.

But this is why any pathfinder is bad because being rigid in structure means it is going to impact a segment of a player base as WoW is a very large player base to begin with.

WoW has a very large community and diverse players that covers several regions and time zones around the world.


:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

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They have added flying and now dragon flying quest into the game (like last expansion - but in the campaign now) Just those who do it easy do not recognise how hard it can be sometimes. It’s saying to Blizzard ‘let’s take pvp out of the game’ then you would have all the pvpers outraged, because of the same reason for you saying flying. Think before you sprout your mouth off, like many others should here.

You so sure about that Lurv?


dude I don’t give a damn anymore the game would 5x better without flying.

But I also gave the example of PVP, them taking away PVP. Or did you ignore that part? Read the whole post again.

who cares about pvp.

Thanks for posting a bit then putting it out of context, like someone trying to make their point more valid will do. When I make a point, I go back and check it and recheck it several times. To see if I have my facts right about what they said in that post right. Sure, I may not be the eloquent writer, but I try and be as factual and truthful as I can. I sin, lie, and cheat like the rest of us. Though, because of my values, have gotten that down to a minimum now hopefully. But the context is still there. That’s why my posts can be so long as well, because I want to try and cover them the best I can.

Hopefully, that helps you understand me and my disabilities a bit more and why this topic in part why it is important to some of us.

As for Mafic. Even though they may not have disabilities, I think in previous posts, they said they had family and worked in the space/employment. This is why it’s important to them. They will say yes or clarify if I am wrong. My memory can go from Rain Man/Brilliant to really special at others. But will, like the humour about myself there will involve humour about my disabilities and it pertaining to them and every day life as well.

Similar to non disabled and disabled comedians, sport stars and similar people in the spotlight alike.

Thanks Mr Apathy, it’s a wonder you care about the game or play the game at all. If you are so apathetic, why are you posting at all.


Blockquote I do

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If that were true, then why was he dismissing Sendryn/Geonn’s opinion from earlier in the thread? If he finds disabled people as important to him (as you seem to think), he would logically support all of them equally, not just the ones who happen to agree with the agenda he’s pushing.


Pvp has been irrelevant for years, I stop caring about pvp long ago.

I paid my sub to for pve content

we tried to be reasonable about pathfinder but its like talking to stubborn kids who wouldn’t listen to logic. Blizzard made PF so freaking easy and yet you whined about it. There reasoning with you folks and I would be happy if flying was gone. Almost all of you heavy depend flying on so much that you just refuse to touch this game if you can’t fly normally and you would make excuses. I don’t know how you folks would survived vanilla when 75% of the game you’re on foot, barely making money to get a riding license and your 1st ground mount that goes 60% mount speed. That’s where I stopped caring.

This topic isn’t about pathfinder, go back and have a look what it was at the beginning then you write about the true meaning of the topic, then we speak again.

And don’t call me ‘kid’ I was watching Star Wars before you were even thought of, more than likely. As you, don’t even know my age, though that has given it away somewhat. So show some respect.

And suddenly you have gone from apathy to I care I care or as Donkey in Shrek would say to draw attention to himself ‘pick me pick me pick me’. That’s all that scene was about, funny as it was.

Do tell me more.

I can’t begin to comprehend what the topic is about.

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