Skyriding is too hard for disabled gamers

I realize you didnt get the memo, friend, but this is TODAY…not 2009.
TODAY things are done differently…ie YOU get YOUR chosen flight for ZERO work now…a detail you keep trying to ignore.

Their having to WORK for their preferred flight is hardly fair and even your agenda knows that fact


Yes, the concept of having to work and socialize for rewards in game has been lost since 2009.

Oh, I realize that.
I learned decades ago that agenda driven sorts never accept reality, so I dont debate with them for their sake, but to expose the nonsense of the agenda for everyone else to see and possibly learn from.

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I mean… its flight. Its already slower it seems a weird hill to die on. Im more afraid of the fact the slippery slope has been a very real thing my entire life and im worried about it.


work? You mean like the work you DONT do for YOUR chosen flight mode?
While disabled players ARE working for theirs?
That kind of work?

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Even if I couldn’t effectively sky ride (like when I was on my laptop with only a trackpad in the initial leveling process, and couldn’t slow fly), I just stayed grounded.

Didn’t complain.
Didn’t let the existence of people skyriding detract from my experience.

I just went about what I had to do in order to unlock the content I wanted to do.

again…this is TODAY…and TODAY you get your chosen flight mode for ZERO work lol…
while the handicapped have to work for theirs.

I know you know me well enough to know your silly attempts at disracting me from the relevant points here isnt going to work.
But you keep right on trying :+1:

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Every time I step outside and have a conversation, it’s so normal. I think most people would find the offending comments and opinions in here ridiculous. Spend too much time in here and you’ll forget the normalcy of non-WoWers, heh. Don’t worry, just report and move on.


Thats great. You had technical difficulties NOT created by the game itself.
totally irrelevant to this discussion.

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Do… do some folk sleep?

Also good morning folks.


I think that is a fair statement IMO.

This is why removing pathfinder as a requirement is a good suggestion.


:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

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they did it for legion and bfa flight…for ‘parity’ sake…literally no reason to be having it in game for steady flight in current content for less than 3 days work.

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I am not terribly disabled (carpal tunnel is all) and I prefer skyriding by a lot because it’s so viscerally fun. I was arguing before War Within came out that steady flight should be automatic, though.

The excuse by Blizzard was always forcing us to earn flying because otherwise we’d fly over content. In Dragonflight and War Within we start out zooming across the map like jet engines so that argument is pretty…dumb.

Steady flight toggle should be a choice from the start for folks who don’t like or physically can’t handle or get motion sick from skyriding. Keep the Pathfinder achievement, have it reward a unique flying mount instead.


Clearly she had jealousy issues

Edit: the cat not the Ex but who’s to say :man_shrugging:

Thank you for your understanding and kindness. You are a valued member of the WoW community where you seem to understand other people’s view points very well. Thank you.


:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

I like regular flight too if I run out of vigor from sky riding and can’t fly for a few.

Also sometimes going slower i cam scout for quest items.


Oh, we’re doing this thread again? Lmao

Skyriding is fine. People should stop advocating for an inferior form of flying and instead push Blizzard to improve the robustness of their accessibility options lol


Not really.

NO agenda regarding that because they want to help and play with others.


Not a troll IMO because we may not agree with every topic regarding the game but on this topic we are 100% on the same page.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

might make sense. I bought her a Rottie pup years later and the dog couldnt stand the ex lol…she followed me and a couple of the kids around all the time. Hanging under our feet, but pretty much totally ignored the ex.
Made me feel bad because the dog was a gift to the ex

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I find it hard to believe you can’t hit space bar and right click