Skyriding is too hard for disabled gamers

How would you feel about the Mists of Pandaria version of slow flight?

That strikes me as strange for a few reasons, however. One reason is that Skyriding is not needed to complete the main quest; you can ride on a steady flight mount that the game provides that controls the mount path for you during certain quests. So the rationale behind wanting players to have an “enhanced” gameplay experience is cheapened significantly.

The other reason is that this comes down to preference and trying to qualify and quantify what is best and what is fun. For me, and this my subjective opinion, doubling down on Skyriding is like doubling down on poor dungeon design like Nokhud and Dawnbreaker. I think these dungeons are designed poorly because the Skyriding disrupts the rhythm of the dungeon. In the latter case, it’s buggy too.


you can do your best to twist stuff friend…I dont fall for that joke anymore. lol
Two flights…one you get for free…another for accessibility that has to be worked for.
Its pretty simple even if you need to cloud it for anything you say in the matter to even pretend to make any sense.

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a while back blizzard literally used the word ‘parity’ when opening up flight, removing the PF requirements to fly in two old expansions.
If theyre remotely serious about PARITY, then they need to have BOTH flights requiring the exact same work…whatever that would look like.


this is what you have to offer? more irrelevance?

Again…we have two flights modes…one is given for pretty much signing in…the other requires work…the accesibility version.
What went on in Mists has ZERO to do with this discussion created by the OP here

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While that is correct, they made it clear in DF that Skyriding is its own form of world content in and of itself.

The way I see this is slightly different. Everyone used to take the bus to go everywhere in the city, but the bus didn’t start before 8 AM. Everyone was fine with this. Now, everyone was given a free bike, which don’t have any time restrictions. So the people who don’t use the bikes (for whatever reason) are demanding that bikes be restricted before 8AM when the bus starts to have ‘parity’ with the bus.

They were simply asking for pathfinder to be gone. Mists was the version of the game before pathfinder was introduced.


I hate to be that guy, but the closer analogy would be two busses start at 8 AM. An express bus and a metro bus. Some people think the metro bus ruins it for everyone. It does not.

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of course you do…you have a personsal agenda here as you perpetually do…so of course common sense facts arent good enough.

previous flights are irrelevant. This is TODAY and TODAY is what we are discussing no matter how much you need to distract from that fact.

In that, read my posts to you above again.

its this simple.

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I remember not being able to fly until I got to the point where they wanted me to continue on to Dorngal I think. They gave me two choices… to let the game fly me there or I could DF there. They probably should have added a third option to let people Slow Fly there. From there they could lock the option you DIDNT choose behind the achievments. That would have been fair to everyone.


What does that have to do with the topic we are currently discussing? We are not in that expansion any longer. Why would anyone have to make a choice about that? We have two versions of flight now, it seems like they should be equal.

ETA: treated equally is what I meant to say.


exactly…literally nothing…at all.
we are discussing CURRENT flight modes and what is required for them NOW…not what was going on in 2013-14.
This is a distraction tactic to get you onto some random thing they want you on so they can get some irrelevant ‘win’.
They did it to another poster last evening who fell for it.
Never allow irrelevant distractions in a discussion.

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I think ‘fair’ looks like the exact same work for flight…any mode of flight offered…as blizzard said a while back…for ‘parity’ sake.

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I agree. If you choose slow flight then just lock DF behind the achievs and vice versa.

(if they are hell bent on “experience the main story” and exploration aspects of PF)

And here I thought we finally move on from flying topic.

There he is!

They destroyed the “PF is about exploration” day one of Dragonflight when they gave dragonriding for just playing an hours worth of questing.
After that PF has really just been little more than an unwanted nuisance to irritate a small percent of players who cant handle dynamic flight. Serves absolutely no purpose now.

Is Ion literally saying that the ONLY people who should ‘explore’ now are disabled players who cant handle skyriding?
Because thats exactly the way this is all coming off. lol.


there are either taxis to take or you can use ground mounts - nothing should require skyriding to do in the campaign to open up steady flight.

I think they finally put one on the Dawnbreaker deck too. I remember the first time I did it, I had no clue where to fly to :rofl:

There are plenty of aids to help with flying that they have put in game.

I guess they could just let us choose which flight style we start with , then do the work of unlocking “change flight style”. (if they are going to stick with this going forward)


Just wanted to add, it’s very difficult to do sky riding and pet my cat while he sits in my lap while playing, he gets very upset if I reach over him to the keyboard. I’ve gotten better at it and one handed sky riding is officially not an issue but I did want to complain so here I am.