Skyriding is too hard for disabled gamers

I’m glad you pointed out what you were going to link was irrelevant, come back when you have an answer.

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The NPC is the IRS and you gain your freedom to fly.


:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

It was my first task I gave myself for TWW. While I have forced myself to learn to skyride, I did have to force myself and it is not easy. I usually do the steady flying because I can let go of the mouse and not crash (when I need to).

Dragonflight (the expac) was such a shock. I tried for 3 days to do the level 61 quest where you learn to ride. Three days! I could not do it, and after 3 days (and many tears) a friend who knew of my struggles offered to do the quest for me. I let him. I also then forced myself to get better at what was obviously going to be how things were gonna be. I paid guildmates in gold to carry me as a whelp so I could get glyphs. It took me months of concerted effort to be able to successfully dragon ride. I would say it was a YEAR before I could do it as well as others, but I still couldn’t take off/land as well as others.

In TWW I do steady flight almost all the time. I have to. I will never be like others who do not have nerve damage in their hand. I still cannot land/take off like others, and I never will. I am dreading 11.1 with the fast ground mounts and drifting and all that. I may have to skip them if it turns out to be a bad thing for my hand.

And let’s not even get into the motion sickness bit…

Steady riding and skyriding are not the same. I was able to devote a lot of time to learning how to skyride because I am a shut-in (told you I am disabled, I meant it). Not all disabled folks have that kind of time, and I consider myself one of the lucky ones who has the time.

Pathfinder needs to go away and never come back. We need to stop putting up barriers for people.

My offer is still out there on the table. Really I will make it to anyone. I will fly you around to help you get your Pathfinder if you need me to.


True sometimes taking the high road is the mature thing to do.

But sometimes the truth reveals itself in ways unexpected as well.


:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

Aw, that’s nice!

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This is technically not true. For brand new accounts, they still have to start the Dragonflight campaign to unlock skyriding.

So you do technically have to unlock skyriding.

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Thank you for sharing your story. Each person is different and they are valued just as much in our WoW community.


:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

Which doesn’t matter here.

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It’s still useful to give people a point of reference.

Sure, it was cheap on 1 character, but for people who have a good number of alts, it does still start to stack up.

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No you made your point.

The last time flying had a real heavy gold cost to it was TBC but again most people did not take too long to obtain epic flying even in TBC where gold wasn’t as easy to generate like WotLK, Cata or MoP. Plus, gold making was a lot easier in TBC compared to vanilla anyways.


:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

Not really at all. 250g was VERY cheap in Cata at max level.

Also it’s not like TWW Dailies/WQ give 6k gold per completion.

5k gold (no discounts either) in TBC was very expensive. In WotLK it was obtainable with a few weeks of dailies and in Cata onwards it was easy to get.

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No, since Cata dailies don’t give 250, they give 42.

The calculation was how many Cata dailies did you need to do in order to afford flying (6), and multiply that by the gold given by a TWW WQ.

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It took me all of beta and part of live to learn Dragonriding. I still suck at landing. lol

My disabilities were difficult to deal with at that time when it came to dynamic flying.

There are no barriers in War Within. It’s ground mount friendly with options for quests to use their flying mounts, along with other ways to travel around. Even streamers did it all without flying to prove it was easy to do.

They gave everyone options.

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I wasn’t saying Cata Dailies gave 250g. I was saying doing Cata dailies on a single day gave you enough for the 250g flying.

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The switch backs between the ringing deeps and azshkahet are quite enjoyable.

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But you needed flying to level. That’s why unlocking the ability to fly in those zones was cheap. No dailies for lowbies.

Yeah, you were not doing Deepholm without flight (although, you probably could just go Hyjal->Vash’jir->Uldum->Highlands and hit 85).

But fun fact I found: You could not fly while leveling in Outland until patch 3.2, in the middle of Wrath.
Before that, flight required level 70.

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First, we get a thread about the wheelchair and now we’re getting another thread about people with disabilities and their ability to use skyriding. lot of insensitive people on the threads today. Maybe they’ll get themselves a 72 hour vacation and be a little more discreet in the future. There is an email address where anyone with a physical disability can reach out to blizzard for a reasonable accommodation. We don’t need fake forum warriors.


State a single time that the lack of flying prevented you from doing the main campaign of TWW.

Good thing this isn’t happening in WoW in that case. Because neither Skyriding nor a fast ground mount is putting up a barrier in any way shape or form.

Static flying is accessible via literally just playing the game normally. So this whole narrative you, Liolang, and others have come up with is at best categorically false. But most likely, ya’ll know this, and are just using “disabilities” as a rhetorical tool to troll people. Because no one who has disabilities would say or argue in the dishonest fashion ya’ll are doing. And to prove this…

Flying isn’t required to do the TWW campaign, which is the requirement to unlocking static flying. Meaning you said this just as a way to, at best, poison the thread further.

Being an ableist ain’t a cool way to troll people, so quit it.

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Wow. Have a great day! :kissing_heart: