Skyriding is soo stupid lmao

I will never understand people whom can’t get the hang of Dragonriding.

LIke… it takes less than 2-3 minutes to figure it out. There are less than a handful of cases where steady flight might be more useful (One of those very few being that dumb quest to gather many gatherables ontop of mushrooms in the arathi radiant area)

Guess people just don’t like change, even good ones.

For sure, it sucks, and going short distances is horrendous with SR. There’s also a host of bugs still. Dcing when taking off, and sometimes not landing properly. I make it work wit SR, but it’s a huge pain in the rear.

I’d much rather just use OG with faster flight.

Unless you are doing a TW dungeon for example, where in my case I have my flight set to standard and when I come out it has been reset to skyriding.

Dunno if its a bug or deliberate, but its annoying.

It’s a bug. There’s a few like that running around. That Blizz still hasn’t fixed. :expressionless:


Like the recent joy of portals in Tanaris. The devs need to be reported for griefing - hey you over there at the desk laughing as we end up in a fatigue zone in the middle nowhere! 10 day ban from the Blizzard cafe for you!

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bro just turn it off if you don’t like it. It is overwhelmingly better than steady flight in every conceivable facet besides afk’ing in the air. The entire system should not be scrapped (and won’t be anyways after how much they invested in reanimating so many mounts) just because you dislike it.

By your own volition you claim you don’t even use it, so literally what is the issue here? Suffering for all because you don’t like that they fly faster than you? I’m failing to see how your angle benefits literally anybody

The entire system should not be scrapped

I’m not that poster but asking for it to be limited to certain quests or zones (since it’s a gimmick anyway like mounted combat) is not at all the same as “The entire system should be scrapped”. This is a strawman argument.

People are saying “don’t make it the default” and you’re taking that to mean “remove it from the game” but that’s your failure.

That’s what is ruining the game for you? Yeah you should look into taking a break lol

The fundamentals like movement and basic navigation actually are very important in a game. Even games that have significantly better graphics than WoW can’t keep my attention because they almost never nail down the basics.

WoW has always had great controls and a great feel. Skyriding takes away from that significantly - it feels like 10 or 20 year old mechanics compared to much snappier real-time movement in a 3D space with animation canceling. Even though it’s less “realistic”, it’s more advanced and better.

Yes, and skyriding feels better than the old flying. And is more fun to move around with it.
If you suck at it just say you suck, it’s fine.

It’s soo good that they gated access to regular flying and made skyriding available at 70 right? They don’t even value the feature themselves.

You suck at riding a mount

The fact you think riding a mount takes “skill” reflects way more poorly on you. “Skill” would be like downing a geared healer, defeating a raid boss - if flying a mount is even in the same realm as “skilled play” for you then we aren’t talking about the same thing anyway. You can safely ignore the thread and go back to your little dragon flying mobile game.

Hardly. Relegating it to gimmick quests makes it functionally “scrapped” for 99% of gameplay outside of those specific instances.

Ok see now you’re being wishywashy on your own point. I’m replying to that specific person and now you’re stonewalling me by saying “people are saying”. I don’t care what people are saying- I’m responding to that one specific person and their bizarre request.

That is ironically, the actual strawman. You’re quite literally taking my points made and directing them towards an argument I never even claimed to make. Don’t yank what I’ve said to one person and then toss it to your idea of the collective for it to be invalidated. Smh. My point still stands and so far nothing has effectively proven otherwise

You already had it explained to you. Much like in say, Legion or BFA, the devs want you to use Skyriding until you finish the campaign. It was the same in Dragonflight.

And yes, it does. People still complain about very silly simple things like vigor management, because they suck at Skyriding and didn’t bother figuring it out.

Honestly man it’s very easy, you can do it too, no need to get defensive. I believe in you.

Skyriding was a major improvement on old flying, and Blizzard even kept old flying in the game for spell book clickers who crash into mountain sides looking over their action bars trying to find Ascent.

So not sure why people are still complaining about it.

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I honestly feel the people mad about skyriding are just the folks that suck at it

( excluding people that have medical reasons for avoiding it like motion sickness. Or folks with disabilities. )


Ok at least that specific person is saying it shouldn’t be default (echoing my original post, and that of people in this comment section) - nobody ever said “remove it from the game”. Make sense?

“Shouldn’t be default” does not mean “remove it from the game”. Not a single comment on this side of the argument claimed that (me or anyone else), only you guys have said that in straw man fashion.

Hell I would be happy if they just remembered my setting so I’m not turning it off all the time. It’s apparently a well-known bug they just can’t get around to fixing. Huh.

where are you getting this??? This is literally the exact strawman I just called you out for doing, and you’re doing it again. They did not say “shouldn’t be default”, they said, and I quote;

That is not “shouldn’t be default”. And on the scale that is far closer to being functionally removed from the game. If a mechanic goes from something everyone uses literally every time they mount up, to suddenly being relegated exclusively to dragonracing world quests and random gimmicks like when fighting the golem in the ocean or whatever, that is functionally removing the mechanic from the game.

Everyone’s median usage of it would decline by about 99%, under the assumption that people typically do 1 Dragonriding world quest for every 100 times they mount up, which when saying that, is probably a modest estimate. It is likely far closer to 99.5%

Read my original post again, since the beginning I never asked for skyriding to be removed, just not to be default or at least remember my setting when I disable it. It’s actually what this thread is about not sure if you have not noticed that yet lmao.

To the person who said

crashing into the mountains etc.

In my experience the better players use the regular flying mode because the skyriding is so childish and gimmicky. It’s like playing a male blood elf. Now, lots of people do play male blood elves just like lots of people love skyriding, but lets be clear what we’re talking about here.

you have GOT to be trolling with a take like that


Replace “gimmicky” with whatever word means:

  • prefers to complete the animation rather than cancel like the rest of the game
  • has long-running animations
  • has a lot of pointless fluff that people hilariously confuse with “skill-based actions”