Skirting Overwolf

they can start off with this

An alterative for Minecraft is the ATlauncher. It has the ability to load mod packs from most the big Minecraft repos (including Curseforge).

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I have a friend that does that will most of his updaters but I suspect he wears a tinfoil hat while doing it :slight_smile: But it’s probably not something the average user to could pull off.

Well, it’s not something I’d do with most things because that’s a huge hassle. I think it’s warranted in this particular instance though.

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Here’s the thing. You’re viewing this as how YOU would do things. I do turn off anything I don’t use while I’m gaming. But if you’ve ever worked IT, you know how some people don’t understand that and still leave their desktops like this:

Let alone their taskbar programs.

some jobs offer training programs like this to their employees

And they don’t even have an ad free sub option like Overwolf does. No way I would use WowUp with Wago and ads.

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most of the apps you installed and use on your phone that say “free” use ads, convince me your phone is literally nothing but stock settings and I’d take your word

Oh I have seen that desktop nightmare before. A couple years back I was helping my dad with his PC and I noticed every square inch of his desktop had a short cut on it. So to teach him a lesson, I took a screen shot of it and then replaced his desktop background with the picture. I then deleted all the short cuts and organized them into his windows menu bar.

He called me two hours later because he couldn’t figure out why nothing would launch when he click on it. Best laugh I had in a long time :slight_smile:


Oh yes. All reasonable for every single person that plays WoW…

Overwolf is chewing on shoes.


Those are easy to avoid, no need for a phone to remain stock, at least on iOS where just about every app has an ad-free one time payment version. Android may be a different story, I’ve read that the Play store is crawling with ad-driven apps.

and the average player does indeed work at 8-5 office place/work from home

a large corporation will train you how to open a folder and what not…

they wouldn’t hire you if you constantly get baited by phishing emails

I’ve actually done this, too. It’s hilarious! I did it with a coworker’s machine, though. I was working at an ISP, screenshot his desktop, applied it as a background, hid the icons, and put everything down on the taskbar. He restarted his computer a few times before he realized what happened.

Also, a piece of scotch tape on the bottom of his mouse was fun, too. :joy:


I was curious so I just checked with the Cursforge app and Overwolf running and checking for Updates CPU usage was 0.2% Memory usage was 264 MB.

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And how would you know this?

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There’s “reports” of many things. So you have no actual proof and are just going with “I heard” got it.


From Overwolf’s Reddit page:

Learning how to use the product is a good place to start. Many of the thing I see people complaining about with Overwolf can easily be turned off in settings.

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And there is another problem. These things shouldn’t be turned on in the first place. It’s the entire opt-out/opt-in debate all over again. You shouldn’t have to go into the settings to turn off the bloat.