Skaven (Rat Folk) Playable Race. With Tails!

Only if we get a rattling gun mog.

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To make these Ratmen all bliz would have to do is use a worgen model and change the features on the head a little and there would be the ratmen. Oh and they would need to add a tail. Wala, ratmen.

Found a cinematic of these ratmen in action.

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Probably. I mean they have taken out the legion so why not.

Wow’s Rat People are Kobolds.

I don’t think people would like to play those unless they hit them with the pretty stick a few times.

Do you really have to ask?

Give me a warpfire thrower and I’m game for it.

Obviously, Horde.

I did think it was pretty hilarious though, with the whole “they consider themselves the master race” followed by: they can’t go up against a human, they’re terrified of elves, they’re malnourished and weak, they’re dumb as a box of rocks and blind as a bat… :rofl::rofl::rofl::+1:

I think Skaven are aesthetically pretty cool, but their lore makes zero sense, they are supposedly an endless swarm, I assumed they would be like maybe waist high, you know smaller, consume less energy individually but multiply incredibly fast.

But as it turns out they are almost as tall as a fully grown man, which if you think of the caloric requirement of an average adult, the numbers that Skavens are supposedly be at is completely unsustainable.

Says the mage that creates food out of thin air. :wink:

Well to answer the question: Rats are omnivorous meaning they will eat any food type. And when traveling in a swarm they behave like army ants, where ever this swarm of rats go they leave behind devastation. In large battles thousands of their enemies perish as well as thousands of the Skaven. Skaven are also cannibalistic and will eat their enemies as well as their own fallen Skaven.

In Wow a character would operate as an individual Rat-Folk would, i.e. similar to a rogue. In a group of 5 characters then they would have other characteristics such as warriors, healers etc. As we have seen in Wow, all races and classes operate the same. So would Rat-Folk.

To be clear. This would be a new race for Wow. Realy just a new race model with new skins.
The Race can be called Rat-Folk I guess. New Lore. And players would operate their Rat-Folk Character the same as any other.

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This would be so fun to play. I can see them being Horde, story starts with Dwarfs digging too deep somewhere and coming into their underground city. I can just hear the screams of “Their eating their dead!”

They could have taken over the Undercity in the aftermath of the plague. I don’t think anyone has been down there since Lorderon was cleansed above ground. :thinking:

…oh the roaches down there would have eaten all the rats and rat people by now.

World of Warcraft: By Fire Be Purged is going to be the next xpac as we fight the mutant roaches from Undercity.

Can we skip Dragonflight and go straight to that? :laughing::+1:

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puts on gas mask, changes spec to Destro, and puts on heavy duty boots

Time to get those fire totems out!!

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Inb4 the “Unofficial Roach AR Megathread” :laughing::cockroach:

If that is the case then they will have to be a roach/elf hybrid. Like those spider elves in Legion. Since they are underground they will have the high elf coloration…oh and they glide from high places.

Like in the Movie: “Mimic.”?

mitch jones would love that :wink:

Yes but with better hair or just hair in general.

Now here is something to think about: WereRats. In this video the narrator explains about WereRats in D&D. Food for thought. A way to incorporate the Rat-Folk into Wow as WereRats.

Although I would rather have a Rat-Race instead of WereRats in Wow. Something similar to the Pathfinder Rat-Folk explained to some degree in this video: