Skaven (Rat Folk) Playable Race. With Tails!

Skaven are popularly associated with the Warhammer universe. They have also appeared in Everquest. And are a staple of general mythological / fantasy rpg literature and game lore.

I would like to see a new Wow race that represents Rat People. Maybe call them by another name. Like um…Ratera or something… I dunno. But yeah I would love to play as a Rat Person. I would also love these Rat People to look exactly like the Skaven in Warhammer. Hope this happens.

For people that are not familiar here’s a video so that you can see what they look like and also some Skaven Lore. Hope you like. Yes, yes.

Now here’s a good question. Which faction would Skaven be in Wow. Alliance or Horde?


You have one. They’re called Vulperan.


Kobolds are closer to rats tbh


Is this a Felleynd alt?


Kobold Paladin, You no take candle!!!


Funny coincidence: ratero/ratera means thief, pickpocket in Spanish.


I instantly thought the same thing

Kobold Fire Mage: I am the candle


Oh the Vulpera are really cute adorable Fox People. Skaven are not so cute bigger and scruffy.

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Skaven are Warhammer Fantasy.

Kobolds in WoW are not Kobolds in Pathfinder, D&D, etc.

And, Kobolds in the above Sheets and Dice RPG’s appear to be dragon children.

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The Kobolds in Wow remind me of rats. But I think Skaven look a lot cooler.

Huh? I don’t understand?

That was funny. I remember that line from the Kobolds in the Fargodeep Mine. For some reason I don’t find the Kobolds in Wow very interesting though.

Horde of course.

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Bites the worgens ankles

We aren’t rats!

I mean, technically we have kobolds already, though they are a looooooong way from playable. Also why would anyone want to be a suicidal rat man with an unhealthy obsession with green glowing rocks and are essentially walk talking memes anooooooohIgetitnow.

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I would rather have bliz incorporate skaven / ratmen as a new scourge. I can imagine these creatures erupting from sewer grates all over Stormwind and Orgrimmar and just causing extreme chaos in an wide spread event. Make them the new villainous monsters trying to destroy all other races in wow. These are nasty vicious creatures. It would be better not to play as one but against them.

Blizz won’t make these ratmen because they don’t have the models and skins in their catalog of resources . Blizz likes to reuse models. Even in the expansions. The Kobolds they do have, but wow Kobolds don’t look menacing enough.

I think a kobold paladin order of the candle would be interesting.

That quest chain in Highmountain I think it was, explaining why Kobolds always have that candle was entertaining. You no take candle or darkness will eat me! So many things they could have added as allied races instead of color swaps. Kobolds, Gnolls, Ogres, Sethak, Centaurs. I was really hoping Alliance would get Sethek when Horde got Vulpera but no. Robot Gnomes in metal diapers.

Please no one wants “rat people” as a racial option. Where do you all get this nonsense from.

The Warhammer franchise series of table-top games and video game series. Lots of fun.