Skaven (Rat Folk) Playable Race. With Tails!

Yes, this is a necro. Yes, this is preferable to starting my own thread. I wants the rat-men, it’s my favorite thing about EQ2, overall dud of a game that it is, and really the only thing I like about warhammer. Bonus (but not objective) if they get their own faction. I do realize textbook warhammer skaven might just be too evil for wow. They’d be burning ALL THE TREES, EVERYBODY’S TREES if you feel me.

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All things considered, I’d rather have murlocs.

I’m so glad I’m not the one to necro this! :sweat_smile:

I would absolutely love a race of ratkin of some variety. Leaning closer to Ratonga than Skaven would be my preference, but I’d be happy to see any incarnation. We’ve now had Kobolds since Vanilla and the recently introduced Niffen to somewhat scratch the itch of ratkin folks existing in-game, but neither is playable and neither really hits fully for me. Honestly, I’d like to buck the typical trend of sneaky evil ratkin and go for good and heroic ratkin as the WoW race. Flip the script like they did with the traditional orc concept in WC3 onward. With an underground expansion upcoming, female Kobolds in Hearthstone and possibly shown in previews for the next expac, I’m thinking if ever it were to happen, it would be via The War Within. We shall see, though! I’m just happy to find fellow rat fans and people who would enjoy a ratkin race. I’ve topped out at making a Forsaken character named Ratmender who lives in the sewers with her adopted family of rats! :rat: :heart: