Skaven (Rat Folk) Playable Race. With Tails!

By sigmar no!
I am a man of the empire!

What are these skaven you speak of?!?!

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what the beastmen are a seperate faction from the skaven!

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Rat-folk, who live underground in tunnels, are for all intents Rogues. Well adept at survival. And have tails and beautiful large incisor teeth. Oh their smile is fascinating!

And yes! you are truly beautiful!

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By sigmar another one thinking skaven are a thing!
Next you’ll tell me they have an under empire and a need too build weapons of mass destruction

Silly elf, they clearly are just beastmen

/puts on fancy empire hat

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That’s what they want you to think. Next thing you know, you’re infected with the plague.

Skaven are ugly. Give me cute rat people like Burmecians.

My Vulpera has the nickname, “The Rat”
I think it fits!

If we’re talking rat folk, Wizardry 8 has Rattkin who are basically mobsters, complete with suits and manner of speech.

It’s pretty good.

Well now. Burmecians could be the equivelent to Blood-Elves.

Just an interesting fun fact here: Humans are considered to be animals. Intelligent animals.

They do have an unhealthy attachment to light sources.

Candle good. Like Candle
my precious.

Candle give me strength!

Well Wow Kobolds are like rats but they don’t have the large front incisor teeth. They are too small. Skaven are much bigger and massive in comparison.

You mean kobolds. They are essentially sentient rats

That is were Bliz got it wrong. Kobold in traditional fantasy trope indicates they are related to dragon-kin. Not rat-folk.

“Kobolds are a fictional race of humanoid creatures, featured in the Dungeons & Dragons roleplaying game and other fantasy media. They are generally depicted as small reptilian humanoids with long tails, distantly related to dragons.”

First appearance: Dungeons & Dragons (1974)

I don’t know where you get that from, but it’s ultimately irrelevant. Unless Blizzard has stated in their own lore kobolds are somehow dragons, which maybe they have and I’m unaware, they look and act far more like rats and are treated as such. Blizzard is free to get inspiration but ultimately deviate from fantasy tropes as they see fit.

I guess you missed it, so:

“Kobolds are a fictional race of humanoid creatures, featured in the Dungeons & Dragons roleplaying game and other fantasy media. They are generally depicted as small reptilian humanoids with long tails, distantly related to dragons.”

First appearance: Dungeons & Dragons (1974)

Skaven are a whole other thing.

I’m aware but I still don’t see what the issue is. Kobolds in WoW <> Kobolds in DnD. They may share the same name, but they aren’t the same thing.

Just like dragons in WoW are different than dragons in DnD. If memory serves, green dragons in DnD are schemers and subterfuge sorts whereas green dragons in WoW are all about nature and the preservation of it.

There is no issue. I would like to see a new race added to Wow which is the Rat-Folk from traditional fantasy. The closest resemblance of these characters is from the Warhammer franchise. Well the most recent representation and graphically and lore wise depiction of the race.

It would be fun to have Rat-Folk capitals in many underground warren type tunnels and caverns. Have Rat Kings and Queens. Perhaps even be a third faction with a vested interest in raiding Alliance as well as Horde territory (In lets say, dungeons and events) etc.

Stuff, stuff, stuff!