Siren Isle Shuddering Hollow Event Bugged

This is one of those gating bugs, that no matter vacation, someone, somehow, should fix, as most vacations about now are 2 weeks. You don’t update a system in a fairly major way (gem acquisition) then toss it to the wind and head on vacation. That’s simply not right. Yes, it can happen (a bug), but it’s how you RESPOND that matters, more so when we all know the Bug Report forum is heavily viewed, and numerous top threads are… all about this single issue.

For clarity - took me hours to somehow ding -2- rounds of that event to get the gem (2nd successful completion reward). Only in near full raids and with every tactic suggested, did it finally work… barely. We all saw the ‘collapsing’ emote and with maybe a few seconds before the objective disappeared, we finished. All of us stressed out, but relieved. No clear tactic - just kill fast, pray.

Regardless - you don’t vacation-bail with a huge system broken, when your player base is subscription based. That subscription comes with expectation. 4 days, no response = failed expectation.


Guess what, still bugged. This going to be like the auto loot bug and persist for 8+ months or what? Why do we pay a monthly sub if this is the quality of a product we get?

Prob the worst expansion I can remember when it comes to bugs. Ridiculous…

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Don’t expect them to fix this for at least a couple weeks. I think they just want to keep some gems unobtainable for now.

If the bug caused an unintentional benefit, they’d be coming in on holidays to hotfix it immediately. All we need to do is find a way to exploit this in a beneficial way and it’ll be fixed in under an hour I’m sure.

My thoughts exactly. People threatened to cancel subs over the time-gating, so Blizz said they’d unlock all the gems immediately. This “bug” is guaranteed their way of keeping the most desirable gems unobtainable even after promising to remove the time gating while maintaining plausible deniability. Blizz being Blizz.

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Bump. Still bugged. Can’t even get the event to start as the table won’t allow you to add the flame-blessed iron.

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I mean that’s a bit of a reach. I know it’s frustrating (Ive killed this guy 30+ times now), but the simple fact is the office is likely on skeleton crew because of Christmas. Unlikely to be fixed until next week.

I was able to get the Stormbringers gem and sent some to my alts. But now I can’t get the Fathondwellers gem to drop. Frustrating asf.

Bump. Give me backend access and I’ll fix it myself FFS.

yeah, I’ve done this event on 7 of my toon several time because one of my mains bis gems drops from it, 1 of 2 things happen either everyone gets teleported or we kill it and and haven’t been able to get anything from it, well except frustrated :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

If this was a bug issue during Race for World First it would have been fixed within 10 mins, but since we are just dirty little peons not part of the .0001% we get ZERO support.


By this point all the whining is just a waste of your time. Blizzard is on holiday, as are a lot of people that don’t work in the retail sector. I wouldn’t expect a fix before the New Year.

RWF will also never overlap a holiday in this manner, so that’s a pretty moot point here.

Just to clarify a minor point:

The gems are still obtainable, I got the two I was missing from him yesterday (Xmas eve). It’s a total pain in the tush, but when he is successfully kept in his event bubble, everything will progress as normal.

So IF you are persistent/lucky enough, you should be able to have collected 11 of 12 gems by this point. Only the Legendary Skippers Citrine is waiting, and that is for next weekly on reset when the Nagas get replaced with Pirates.

Hopefully when it does get fixed properly, it will also be along side other fixes needed, like upping the drop rate on the Torrential Runekeys for Thrayir. But I am not holding my breath until after the New Years.

The amount of both work and luck it takes is insane enough that I’m not doing it. I’ve already tried 30 times.

It would feel a lot less worse if they hadn’t gone out of their way to make those 2 specific gems overbudgeted in power.


Guess you missed the part where raid 1 of Dragonflight was finally cleared with Mythic Ras kill on Dec 23rd. Raiders were consistently in communication with Blizzard devs to fix bugs they came across during the raid. This bug has been here since the patch on the 17th. Stop defending this incompetence and their willingness to spit in our faces if we are not RWF raiders.

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The encounter is so bugged you’ll be contributing currency to it and then it will suddenly report “encounter finished” and reset to zero, it’s just constantly resetting to finished. I think that’s why you don’t get a gem, because it resets to finished while you’re fighting the boss and you don’t get credit b/c the boss is alive.

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I think that’s the point. They can technically say all the gems are available, when two are actually still timegated.

Please stop contributing currency to the event. Any currency contributed to this event might as well be flushed down the toilet, since you can’t get any rewards from it.

Maybe should have tested the event before releasing it right before holiday… kinda wanna skip this week

I was able to complete it last night for both gems. What was different was, there weren’t many people on the isle, so only one event was being activated at a time. Nothing reset and it just worked. I think it’s connected to people contributing to events or doing other events while this one is up.

It does NOT appear to be fixed…reset weirdness started again once people started activating more events. But if you hit the isle during a really slow period you MIGHT be able to complete it.

December 23rd isn’t a holiday. Blizzard intentionally nerfed the boss to end the race precisely so that it wouldn’t overlap the actual holidays. I see what you’re getting at, but don’t twist my words.

I’m not defending them; I’m stating that it’s a waste of energy because nothing is going to happen until after 1/1. It’s pretty clear that they never even read the bug report about this issue prior to the gem change or it would have been fixed with some weekend work the next day.

Posting further complaints when none of them are even working to read them is an individual choice, of course, but you may as well be pissing in the wind.