I just had it work 4 times in a row the last hour.
As i stated on another post. This boss reset on us 3 times to maximum health.
It was not until somebody reset the event, on the 4th try, he died.
We were extremely careful not to fight him near the entrance, but he reset anyway,it made no difference.
Because Blizzard is a small indie company and it’s not like this was originally reported back on the 17th when they’d have time to look at it.
How is this not fixed yet? I think if it gets bugged out the first time, it thinks you already received the gem, and it won’t award it.
Hi Blizzard. Its Monday, how about you guys get your collective sht together and just have ALL the gems available for purchase from the vendor?
I managed to get the gem once today on my rogue, but since then it’s back to bugged. I’ve been trying on all of my toons and only got lucky once. Come on, Blizz! Give us a small Christmas gift and fix the damn thing!
I finally gave up and bought it on my hunter and mailed it to the toon that needed it.
Bumping for attention. Fix this pleeeease
No, that’s not the problem. The problem is that the entire cave keeps resetting. It has nothing to do with what anyone’s doing.
you can buy it for your alts after getting it on your first toon. Least that’s my understanding. Either way, the event needs to be fixed, yesterday.
only 1/4 in the last hour here
At this point seriously just mail us the gems or something since it seems your company is either unable or unwilling to fix this.
I had 0 issues doing the event multiple times, getting the initial gem awards, including a few boxes, over the first couple days. It completely stopped working for me Friday with the gem unlock change and Im now 0/20+ (trying all different suggestions). It may have happened earlier, but it is definitely worse since the hotfix on Friday.
Yeah I noticed that too, along with some other weird stuff. Right now I have gotten the gems once via the back wall strat and the other with the outside strat, so not sure what is best.
Now for the weirdness. I was doing this event on my Druid in Moonkin form. Every time the cave-in message happened, it forced me out of Moonkin. Now almost nothing in game can do that, except dying. This was consistent, ever failed attempt he was also back to looking like a Night Elf after that cave-in message.
So here’s my theory about what is going on. The cave-in is a death command, however it is not applying a death touch to kill everyone. Because of the way the quest works, it is getting wiped from our logs once the command is issued. That pretty much borks the event.
Unfortunately, we have no idea when would be the proper time for the cave-in to occur either, and it likely is doing it when it should not be doing so.
How is this not fixed yet?
Yup. Still bugged. Although the event for me offers “Fathomdwellers Runed Ciritine”
After multiple kills and filling multiple contribution bars. All I get is 2 Bronze Celebratiuon Tokens
They are keeping it bugged on purpose to keep people busy doing the event over and over hoping for their BIS gem.
lol how is this still broken??? if there’s not an easy fix, just put the gems on a vendor. it’s not like there’s a challenge in killing the event boss.
I agree with you on this, it might be more prone to bugging out because there are more people doing it since the hotfix.
Personally I had problems with it since day one, no gem reward was offered on my first attempt, only a blue box. On my alts there was a gem reward but it was never awarded.
I have a worst bug than this. Now I am literally not getting the bonus objective when the excavation is happening. I can see it on the objective table and see the excavation, but I cannot get the bonus objective to even try and get the bonus objective loot. I can see the Drain and the Sunken Lair with no issue.