Siren Isle Shuddering Hollow Event Bugged

Except you are defending them. You’re giving them an excuse of why they didn’t fix in the week before the holidays. And quite honestly, if you’re a live service game you should have a team around for fixes. The game doesn’t go offline and take a break for the holidays.

As a note, there is a few other bugs going on that I have noticed:

Besides the ‘Bonus Objective’ not giving you the gem at times (Mostly due to it disappearing during the fight)

One of my characters is literally not getting the bonus objective showing when it should be starting all together, while my others are able to see it and accomplish it with pure luck.

I noticed also on one character, the objective table got skewed in such a way that it stretches it out past the bottom of my screen, I could not even see the reward for the objective as well as the contribute button.

Still bugged

I tried on warmode and a few other methods and didn’t get lucky. I’m glad you got it tho lol

Still bugged. It’s basically a crapshoot whether or not it finishes successfully or not.

Also still getting randomly ported out of the cave as well.

So you expect them to not be able to take a break for the holiday?

Deploying fixes to a live environment requires approvals. No one wants to be bothering their boss over a holiday, and supervisors don’t want their employees talking to them over a holiday either. Even if a developer managed to work on a fix on their own out of the goodness of their heart, they aren’t going to be able to get the required additional people on it to deploy.

Live service games do have teams that work over holidays, but they are only there to ensure the game remains running; maintenance crew only. This issue, while high impact (meaning many users are affected) is not severe enough to need off-hours attention, because it doesn’t break your ability to do anything else in the game. If, on the other hand, this issue caused player characters to brick by virtue of a random DC in the cave that they can never log back in from, that would be something severe enough for actual developers to get back online to fix.

can you put the gem to the vendor maybe? or to other bosses. it would be an easy fix. we dont need the perfect solution just a good workaround.


They had time to fix this before the holiday. It’s been bugged since launch.

I don’t expect it to happen this weekend, but I’m annoyed it didn’t happen last week.


Just tried to do it on my lock.

Saw the notification for the event, because I never hear it. The other two I the little intro monologue from the faction rep, but this one I never get any sound, so another thing bugged about it.

Went to the spot and waited for the entrance to open up. The wall disappeared, but the kobolds were still digging at it, but me and a couple other players could walk past it into the cave. After a minute or so me and the other players were ported out.

Event timer showed up at a full 3 minute, even though it had started a couple minute prior. Then I saw the notice in my quest log was gone. Then it reappeared.

Not only is it not fixed, it seems to be getting buggier and buggier with each passing day.

Just turn the damn thing off and give everyone access to the gems it offers. In all likelihood they probably earned it anyway.


Whomever wrote the scripting for Shuddering Hollow needs to be fired.

I just did it back to back on my rogue and my paladin about 10mins ago and once the cave opened I was able to complete the event with no issues.

Was this just fixed or was I extremely lucky?

This. It should’ve been fixed before the holiday. Instead they just ignored it so they could have an early vacation.

If it had been a bug that gave an unintentional benefit, they would’ve made someone come in and fix it immediately, holiday or not.

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You were lucky. I was too, I did it when there was barely anyone on the isle and no other events going on and it worked. As more people came there and started activating events the reset weirdness started right back up.

There’s definitely some real incompetence going on.

Seriously, just put the damned gem on the vendor and call it a day. Dev/QA failed hard.


I finally got both gems, on a day the island was really active. I did the even 5x and got the event reward twice. As usual the resets did not seem to have any rhyme or reason.

We shouldn’t be surprised at this point. Release a patch right before the holidays and call it a day. AI blue post full of bs.

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The testers too. If they had done any of that seems like they would have seen issues.

Nothing kills a patch quite like tons of bugs and no responses. Don’t even want to log in and play the content. Please fix this.

It’s got a new failure mode now, the event shows up and is doable but shows no event reward so you still don’t get the gems. The reward shows up on the map where you contribute currency but on the world map tooltip it shows no reward.


Seems to be working now. I was able to do it 2 times in a row on 2 different characters (4 times total) without it failing.

Hoping that everyone is able to get their gems now.

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