Siren Isle has Flying: Confirmed

Mechagon was a questing zone to unlock an allied race and score some mounts. Timeless Isle was a loot pinata for alts. these who have the word “Island” in common, and that’s about it.

Which is what makes me think there is a Delve or two hiding LOL

I’d be down with that. I’ve grown to love my Delves!

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I just logged onto the PTR and the island seems kind of lame?

I’m shocked.

It’s an island expedition map… what were you expecting? :rofl:

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I never did the expeditions :confused:

The island is the size of my pinky toe and there’s almost nothing there.
Like a few mobs and a few “rares”.

I cannot imagine the amount of lag that island will have with everyone crammed into one tiny section.

Well at least I know I can let the sub run out for a while.

It’s probably not fully decked out yet, but it’s only meant to be a bit of filler in a minor patch.

I think the only reason Forbidden Reach was that big is because it also doubles as a starter zone.

Having any content added in a.7 patch is going to be minimal.

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Siren Isle is smaller than Mechagon, so I don’t care if skyriding is enabled. Siren Isle will give me a chance to use my motorcycle [when it arrives at home lol]. I can’t remember the last time I used a land mount.

P.S. Papa Blizz, please don’t forget to include Gravity Pack. It’s fun as hell!

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Yeah I just don’t see any use or fun for an island sooo tiny.
Hope people have fun though.

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The majority of people clearly enjoy being able to fly based on the history of their attempts to remove/suppress flight. It is true that you don’t “need” it 24/7 and this would be why ground mounts exist and are at your disposal to use at any point that you want to.

I will never understand why people feel that others need to be forced to do something just so they will have the “option” to do it themselves. When the option already exists.

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Both were centered around daily quests to gain rep and unlock things while you ran around in circles and killed rares for mounts, toys, and other stuff. One had a single mob raid. The other an allied race unlock. The rares were very much like pinatas in both cases.

Mechagon also had an instanced raid and unlocked flight after allowing toys like the Jetpack. Now, when Timeless isle finally unlocks flight, you let me know and I will gladly compare the two and stand corrected. Until then, they may share similarities, but Mechagon was far more useful and key to the story, especially where Gnomes and their injured King was concerned after the battle of Dazar’alor :blue_heart:

Don’t count your stormrooks before they’ve hatched. Don’t count them before they are fully feathered. Even then, don’t count them before they can actually fly.

I’m betting this spell is something they put in to allow devs to fly around and make sure everything was built right because they don’t want another Silvermoon City.

Then the Streamer I am currently watching must be a dev, cause they have the spell, just have to finish the campaign to use it.

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That does sound pretty solid. I stand corrected.

For now.

Don’t disrespect Blizz’s ability to take things away though. It’s their best suit and should never be underestimated.

misleading title.

known troll.

I don’t think you’re a known troll.
But ptr experience is not accepted as confirmation of anything.
Especially lately, modern dataminers have been missing the mark, too.
You didn’t even provide a spell name or screenshots.
But I don’t think you’re a known troll- I don’t often associate falsehoods with malice before incompetence.

I think you are. And the fact that you trolled me to get this response proves it. As for the PTR, this Isle is shaping up to look and feel like a smaller version of Gnomeregan. As for the rest of your post, it goes in the bin with your opinion… and your basic human paladin… if you are going to load the forums with all these s-posts, you might ask for a Belf race change. At least you would be cooler :rofl: