I am currently looking at the PTR and apparently on the first day. There is a spell you can learn that will unlock flying on the island. I stand corrected. This is not Timeless Isle 2.0. This is BETTER!
Blizzard has zero spine when it comes to commitment.
Still on PTR. Plenty of time to change. Buff may be there and may be delayed behind achievement/questline.
Dont bust out the champagne just yet (i dont care one way or another how flight is handled)
Siren Isle: Pathfinder on the table?
Its gonna feel like Mechagon 2.0.
Probably have flying locked behind another renown grind, which is fine. As long as its achievable somehow
I like the jump puzzles. So, little sad we wont get those
Oh boy, Trashfinder.
well, if you don’t care either way, why would you bounce through with so many thoughts? I mean sure it’s on the PTR but the spell exists and the content is pretty well locked in and if it’s successful, it will absolutely remain. There was no flying spell on the PTR for the timeless isle, so I’m not sure the same so I will keep my champagne on ice and let this post age well.
Unlocking flying (I assume) sounds reasonable to me. I did enjoy the initial questing experience in Legion without flying, it’s really the ridiculous Pathfinder that soured the whole thing so I’d prefer something like a quest chain
Mechagon was awesome. Dont care what anyone says. It had tons of content in just that little zone.
Oh I loved a lot of those stupid games. The matching turtles and even thefrustrating line ones were fun. Same with the Bejeweled.
The very first quest line leads you to the spell so there’s not really an unlock requirement lol you just have to do a couple of quests in that line to find the spell.
Mechagon was one of my favorite things about battle for Azeroth and as a gnome enthusiast probably my favorite race in the game. If they ever do a race class unlock, I can’t even begin to tell you how much money I’m going to spend changing everybody to either gnome or Mecha
Huh… tbf the beginning of TWW was something like this.
if it makes logical sense, fine…if its that my flying mounts have all gone stupid again…not interested. I’ll ground hoof it.
Blizzard…for god sake can you be creative for once?
If you need a no fly zone at least put some effort into WHY we cant fly.
Have they actually said anything about this? Can someone confirm OPs claim? I’m not on the PTR.
That’s so unbelievably lazy.
A singular thought
Never said it wasnt going to remain. It was already datamined that flying was going to be there, it was just going to be delayed instead of available day one like TWW release.
I had Pathfinder unlocked in like 10 hours in this expansion. Before early access even ended I was already using steady flight. So I think they figured out the mistake. They made with the timeless and they’re not gonna make the same mistake here, but the content looks and there are a bunch of rares running around.