And it also means that they shouldn’t allow flying onto that zone ever at any point outside of whatever small events may allow it. Because Mechagon was great … and then we got flying and it turned into less of an activity and more of a “go to area 1, do thing, go back” with zero fun stuff along the way.
So… hopefully they learned their lesson from Mechagon and never allow flying mounts in that zone in that case.
Skyriding is triple speed crashing with style and the ONLY purpose for dragon riding was LOOOOOOOOONG distance, which this little island does not have. Folks may love zooming around Mechagon, but unless I need to go 2k yards or more, steady flight stays on… even with my lower alts.
First of all, Skyriding is the default for any distance. So that take of yours already fall apart.
Secondly, with what you said here… flying shouldn’t be enabled at all if it is just a “little island.” Since any kind of flying at that point would be, at best, redundant. Which means that not only are you wrong, but you also managed to make an argument against implementing flying.
When people got access to flying, most people’s interests died off with Mechagon’s general activities. Folks did the bare minimum for the rewards, and then left the zone alone.
Flying is not a good thing for small distances. If the zone is small, adding flying to it just makes folks less interested in the zone overall and at all.
I can see you were one of them. Last time I was there to level an alt, blow up my rep and finish getting my rewards, the isle was LOADED with people still farming mounts, rep, mogs, and more colors for their mechanocats. Funny thing about opinions… they are only really true if they can be backed up. Heck, I was farming Zandalari warbringers the other day for more rep and mounts, and when I heard Galleon pop, he was dead before I could get there, and I was 800 yards away lol. More people farm older content than you think. Flying helps that.
Oh I never said ANYTHING about it being good. It could completely suck… but at least I can fly over it and avoid it at that point. But I am hopeful it ends up like Mechagon. For all its faults, I enjoyed that zone.
Let’s balance you passion for them with my loathing for them and meet in the middle with kicking turtles into the sea or tracing patterns on the ground that everyone hates.
PvP is dead, and Bolvar Fordragon died with it. No one on my realm, or most of the connected realms even bother with War Mode anymore. If you want PvP, the “Sit in the safety of the city and queue for it” ----> is that way