Siren Isle has Flying: Confirmed

No, it’s dumb you have to learn it again at all. It was a BOX FEATURE on DF and TWW, Dragonriding and Skyriding, only for them to take it away a few months later is ridiculous.

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I read on wowhead that it’s an eventual part of the chain involving the new ‘ring’ quest chain, and that flying only works outside of storms.

Here’s the actual info:

During your time in Siren Isle, you will go through a couple quests to earn upgrades for your Cyrce’s Circlet. The last quest in the chain, Cyrce Would Be So Proud, teaches you how to master the strong winds of Siren Isle, and finishing this quest will allow you to fly in Siren Isle while it’s not storming!

Unfortunately for those who want to fly, you will still be grounded in Siren Isle while a storm is going on due to Seafury Tempest - As of right now on the 11.0.7, you can choose whether you go into a storm or not (but there are different objectives and enemies while a storm is going on in Siren Isle).

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SAM missile turrets

Well, thankfully, it’s only gone for about 30 minutes maybe an hour lol

Everything does not have to revolve around Skyriding. It wouldn’t kill Blizzard to have a few zones where there’s at least a threat to flying.


NO thanks. And I didn’t say it had to revolve around it. THEY made the game revolve around it by making it basically THE main feature of the last 2 years.


I mean, they have to keep us locked on the ground until we do the content the same way they did with pathfinder sort of :rofl: it’s the only way they can justify spending time making a new island.

It was a feature. Does not mean you need it 24/7.

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we have a zone that is a threat to flying, but we call it the wow forums :rofl:

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That would suck. I really love skyriding and working with the vigor resource. One of the best features to have hit WoW imo.


I don’t get it. Taking away flying for no reason has always been one of the least popular things in the game’s history. And flying in general the most popular. And it wasn’t just a feature it was THE feature. Go back and watch the interviews. TWW was skyriding for a ton of mounts and Delves. DF was basically only Dragonriding as well as no borrowed power, addition by subtraction there.


Because when you spoon feed convenience to the laziest RPG players in the world, it gets really hard to do anything that makes them the slightest bit inconvenienced.

Yes, a feature, alongside Delves, new M+, and a better Raiding experience.

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i’m just glad that with all the flying mounts, they are selling this between the mount packages and the collectors editions plus the 12 month sub package that all of these flying mounts can still be used in every bit of the content. I don’t know about anybody else, but I’m not interested in going back to timeless Isle or the maw :rofl:

They should make it Skyriding only

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I believe I speak for everyone who loves flying when I say hell no :rofl:

Nah. Flying makes small zones completely worthless. Unless players are threatened with dismounts, instant death, or a % based DoT; the content in the zone is already meaningless.


Weird, because Skyriding is flying.

If you say you want flying there won’t be. If you say you don’t like it, there will be. I still remember how people said they don’t like all the caves in DF so now we got a whole caves xpac. :smiley:

Buff could be on the PTR just to help speed up the testing too…

Looks like they are saying you cant fly due to the strong winds and thats why you need to earn the buff. Sounds like even with the buff you still wont be able to fly while a"storm" is active. How often “storms” are active? No idea. :man_shrugging: