While I’m a neophyte in theology, I think that’s largely a modern and western mythology. Greek and Roman deities were fickle af, to use the parlance of our time.
That said, I see your point. Good discussion nonetheless I think.
While I’m a neophyte in theology, I think that’s largely a modern and western mythology. Greek and Roman deities were fickle af, to use the parlance of our time.
That said, I see your point. Good discussion nonetheless I think.
This got me at first, and really bothered me for awhile. I really had to think about it. I think, in a way the writers are not only coming from a place of lore (as many have posted above), but of real life “human” behavior. When something so tragic happens to a person, who was a devout follower, one of two things usually happens: one - they believe it is a test of their belief and hold tighter to it; or two - they turn a 180 and spurn the belief they once held that apparently let them down.
It seems the intent was on the right path, but, I do feel, there may have been some failure in execution. I mean, we have had a very emotionally charged story so far this expansion, and coming from an expansion that had several big losses for both sides where a lot of emotions and reasoning is “understandable”. Compared to all that the intent and meaning of Sira’s “change of heart” just seemed a little lacking in the clear reasoning of why Sira was so easily turned, but then again if you watched your home, people, and everything you hold deer be destroyed; and the one you have been praising for hundreds of years [you feel] turned a blind eye to it all – get the feeling she isn’t reacting with rationale, but pure emotion.
Elune is a very western style deity in a world with quite a few Greek style running around. Mostly in the sense that she’s mysterious, unseen, but vastly more powerful than the ‘pantheon’ is. That said she rarely if ever uses that power. What I see in Sira during the darkshore questline is the same sort of doubt you occasionally see with holocaust survivors, that said none of them as far as I know turned around and joined the facists.
Yes, but that would lead her to be an atheist not to betray her people. People betray their countries for the following reasons:
and nothing in MICE applies here. She wouldn’t register for Counter Intelligence is my meaning.
Doesn’t help that we’re talking about people who have quite literally lived for several millennia. Then again I suppose having lived so long would make anyone horribly jaded.
Good points. No refutation here by me. Perhaps it’s just a more sensationalized response to attempt to increase the drama of the story.
Do you think Sira feels she’s betraying her people?
She joined a genocide against them, unless she’s being mind controlled… yes she absolutely does. I should note that MICE doesn’t apply here… ONLY because it’s a genocide.
It seems as though she feels she is responding appropriately given her vision and understanding of the events. I’d argue she wouldn’t see herself as the betrayer. I don’t see her committing genocide.
I suspect it’s the new Scourge rising again - after doing some of new Horde dailies in Darkshore, Nathans-toes pops up with saying something like “new bodies for the Dark Lady’s army”.
To me that implies there may be something going on storywise - or it could be just more bad writing lol.
She’s actively participating in the murder, not fighting with, but murder of her fellow Night Elves. That is genocide, I can’t see it any other way. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve heard some horrific stories of what people did to survive the holocaust, but there was never a case where this happened. The people involved were always aware that death was coming for them and served the purposes of their captors for the purpose of extending their own lives. That doesn’t apply here because she’s undead.
That said we should never underestimate the ability of people rationalize their own decisions. In any case I think this is very very poor writing that seems very very forced. In the situations I mentioned above they were all in extremely dire already where immediate death was literally an option.
It’s become clear to me that Sylvanas’ goal is bodies, not territory or resources per se (unless you consider the bodies the resources she’s after).
To be sure I don’t think it’s very satisfying to read/experience as a narrative. I’m trying to reconcile the ambiguities and outright inconsistencies. I don’t think they’re participating in genocide, I look at it more of switching sides in a war and engaging once-friendlies as enemy combatants. But that may just be semantics on my part.
And yes. It has always been my understanding that Sylvanas has a utopian future of undead where there is unity in undeath. She has musings of this sort in before the storm. I appreciate the twisted thought, perhaps warped by the kaleidoscope of undeath.
I’d buy that if the overall horde narrative wasn’t body collecting. That’s not something you can hide in war.
She has a hissy fit about Elune the entire time during the Warfront and has determined that ‘the forces of death are endless’. That’s just Scourge crap and Im really tired of how forced it is coming from these Undead NPCs as if Wrath didn’t even exist. I wonder why I was forced to fight Arthas and the Legion (and now N’zoth) when the devs seem to want the new Scourge to be inseparable from the Horde and shown as ‘morally grey’ compared to Arthas’ scourge which was indelibly evil. I’d rather join the big bads who will exterminate these undead parasites than join an Alliance that refuses to and have the Horde which backs their new Scourge as an ally refusing to act against them.
I stayed to hear Genn chew out Anduin… the boy king had a revolt of his generals for that dumb.
I am anxious to see how the story evolves. But I agree with my fellow posters here - it is not a very satisfying story for me thus far.
I want a dev to tell me why I shouldn’t side with Azshara when they write Night Elves being cursed with Undeath siding with the Horde who genocided their people and defiled their lands. Why shouldn’t I side with her to wipe out the Horde. The world as far as I’m concerned is already destroyed since the only thing worthwhile has been destroyed, so why do I have to keep fighting for humans and joining weak campaigns in Darkshore that only bolster the Undead? Why can’t I side with Azshara and bring on the apocalypse. I’d rather do that than have some rubbish about ‘Sylvanas the saviour, bringing the ‘gift’ of undeath to everyone’. Been there, done that, Arthas was no saviour, why is Sylvanas?
Because she’s kinda well… Martin Shekreli
It’s called mind-control.
Arthas did it, and so too can Sylvanas.