Sira Moonwarden & becoming Forsaken

Yeah - in previous expansions. Have you talked to Lillian lately? She’s not showing a lot of free will anymore.

As others have pointed out, if Sira truly had free will, her bitterness would lead her to be the next Godfrey, not loyal to Sylvanas.

I think Sylvanas doesn’t want to allow another Godfrey and has the means to ensure that, somehow.

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Wouldn’t surprise me, Azerite empowered Val’kyr, plus Lilian did have that horrible brush with… gah what’s his name, boss in Scholomance.

Mind you the Azerite empowered Val’kyr is just pure Head canon. But it does make sense.

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I wonder why?

/sarc off.

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At the end of the day, she seen through all of that moon light baloney and came over to the dark side. - For the Dark Lady!

Yeah, none of that explains why they’d then fight for the ones who killed them. It would be different if they formed their own group in order to seek vengeance.


Have you seen them?

I don’t know if this is entirely true though, I remember in the forsaken starting area they brought back carlan redpath I think his name was and you had to kill him because he outright refused to join the forsaken.

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He was also insane. Too unstable to think coherently. He and his Rotbrains were more a danger to themselves and everyone around them.

Welcome to forcing a plotline… and the inevitable backlash it produces. Yes it was garbage, and still is garbage unless Sira literally did it to kill Sylvanas.


Or free will is an illusion and they are being controlled.

But bad storytelling is probably the one everyone will agree with.


If they’re “confused by death and lashing out” why in the world would the Horde follow them into battle? Imagine halfway through the Warfront. “Wait, WTF. Why am I helping you? YOU JERKS KILLED ME! FOR KALIMDOR!” and then she just turns on you. If it’s a “shaken up by the events of death” stuff, they’d be someone you’d want to use a frontline cannon fodder soldier to get killed off ASAP (and hopefully upset your foes by having them face their friends before they can steel themselves to it). Not a commander who could unravel your entire fight in an instant.


That doesn’t change the garbage writing and forced plot. If anything it makes it worse.

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One of my head-cannons is that Elune foresaw the consequences of the burning of teldrassil and wanted - if Elune can be said to “want” - the night elves to be emboldened to respond and become stronger. Why? Elune foresees greater conflicts that will require the Kal’dorei to be stronger than they are in order to overcome.

Granted it’s not stellar, but this appears to be a recurring theme in WoW: conflict giving birth to greatness - hardened in the crucible of tragedy. This was Wrathion’s point in MoP and wanting to see one faction rise above to be able to handle the legion.

from a personal standpoint I don’t like this path, but I wouldn’t be surprised if there is some of that here.

If that is the case why on earth (or Azeroth) are the Night elves following her then?

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That doesn’t fit the usual deity pattern. Deities usually are the ‘help comes to those that help themselves’ types. They aren’t going to come save you because you prayed… they might save you if you’re important enough and have actually tried to get out of the situation by doing everything in your power. Even then their help will likely be in some way you won’t even notice.


Because Mother Moon also has a Dark side; as you spear-chuckin’ greenies are going to find out.


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It is no different than sylvanas falling to the LK, just fight for him two minutes later.

Aren’t the Forsaken supposed to have ‘free will’, right from the get-go?

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Spear-chucking Greenie? Oh those are fighting words you glorified tree hugger.

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The question id ask is, before teldrassil, why follow Elune in the first place? She appears to largely be a distant entity. What directly has she helped with? (Genuine question, I don’t sincerely know but I don’t recall anything direct).