Sira Moonwarden & becoming Forsaken

One thing that puzzles me about relatively important characters like Sira being killed and then brought back as Forsaken - is how easy it seems to be.

This character was a major Alliance leader during a number of expansions and showed no sign of any weakness or lack of faith in Elune or her people’s leadership. She dies fighting for them, and immediately turns against them to fight for the Horde and Sylvanas : in effect, fighting for the very people who killed her.

I really scratch my head over this because it seems very week storytelling. Unless I missed something in Forsaken lore. I’ve seen evidence of Forsaken having their own will, ability to think, etc. Why would two previously extremely loyal characters suddenly switch to their enemy responsible for their death, and the death of so many of their people? I could understand it if some mind-altering effect was in play, but is there any evidence of that happening? Do the Valkyr corrupt their minds?

I’d really love some input on this, I find the whole thing rather dissatisfying.



It’s lazy writing.
It’s bad writing.

Welcome to BFA.


It’s pretty much unanimous that it’s poor storytelling and that the guys who penned it should be very ashamed of themselves.

But keep in mind, this was right after the Burning of Teldrassil and a great many Night elves died in that, enough to shake the faith of even the most stalwart like Tyrande. Also being reanimated into undeath amplifies your darkest feelings and brings out your worst traits.


They’ve done a pretty poor job explaining, really, any character decision this expansion. Forsaken are supposed to have free will but Sira Moondwarden and Delaryn show otherwise. It’s just nothing really makes sense anymore, like the entire “Sylvanus did wrathgate” thing that popped up a month ago.

I’d be surprised if a revelation doesnt pop up where “Wow Sylvanus didn’t give them free will all along!!! XXDDDDDD”


The only thing I can think of here is either this that I quoted or there is more t ok the story we don’t know yet.

Perhaps a flashback seen to before the burning where Sira said of she fell she would allow herself to be raised to fight from the inside. Something like that. All k can think of though.

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I’m of the mind that Sylvanas got tired of the whole “Free-willed” Forsaken after the Desolate Council incident so she’s going the full on domination route.


Sira said she had her reasons. And both felt betrayed by Elune.


Personally the fact that The Lich King and Arthas are both brought up a lot recently, especially with Garrosh’s “What makes you better than the Lich King” talk, it really makes me think she’s going to be the villian for a future expansion.


Damn wardens putting me in jail, Im glad shes a Forsaken now.

Anyway I assume and this is my thought on it when they die they see where they go just like Sylvanas eternal darkness (shadowlands or whatever), which doesnt seem to be a paradise or whatever. That taking into account they already feel betrayed by Tyrande for not showing up, only to safe Malfurion, the Alliance never coming to their help and them losing faith in Elune for never helping, they make the easy choice to join the Horde as emotions for Forsaken are different then those who live. And they are more easily driven by vengeance.


Hm, probably this expansion. Then we can get Baine as Warchief for an expansion then he can die in some pointless death so that I guess Gallywix can take over then we fight the evil Industrial Horde for an Expansion or two then Lor’themar can over and die in some pointless battle so that… um crap what leaders do we have after that?


They hint at Sira’s bitterness towards having faith in Elune at the beginning of the scenario and then when she strikes to kill Nathanos alone, she feels abandonned by Tyrande and Elune asking where were they so it may seem that she legitimately feels “forsaken” by her own people and faith which is probably the leading reason for her joining.

Same can be said about Delaryn. In the novellas she is watching the tree burn and all she can feel is hate for Elune for seemingly abandoning the Night Elves (though I’m under the impression the ghost/spirit she saw of her dead lover telling her to let go was in fact Elune trying to take her away). However Delaryn refuses and is too caught up in her grief and hate and again feels “forsaken” by Elune.

I think all the evidence is there but people expect some sort of tv series game of thrones style fleshed out story which for a game like WoW is going to be pretty hard to pull off considering just HOW many storylines they have going on and on hold


This is how I’ve interpreted this narrative with Sira. To be honest, I thought it was more a means of setting up tyrande’s resolve to NOT dwell on the past.

I recall tryande saying something to the effect of “I won’t let this happen again,” during the raising of Sira. That was very refreshing. It wasn’t a cry of “oh, I will go to the ends of the earth to avenge you!” It was an immediate focusing on what she needed to do: dominate and destroy the aggressors to prevent this from occurring again.

Edit for typos

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How is this lazy writing? Op, did you miss the big burning tree stump in the background? I mean, even Tyrande wags her finger at Elune for ignoring the burning of the stump and the death of her people. Makes perfect sense to me that some nelves would feel forsaken by their goddess.

Btw, this plot is how we got butt elf Paladins. After Arthas and the Scourge killed a lot of butt elves, the surviving Paladins went full stupid and turned their back on the Light. They felt the Light had abandoned them. So they kidnapped a naaru and sucked it dry like sparkly vampires straight out of a Stephenie Meyer book.

So Blood Knights were born from losing their faith.


I honestly think they could have explained it better. They felt forsaken by their god, their priestess and the Alliance. This made their souls much more vulnerable to the corruption of the Dark Lady. That is the way I view it at least.


I wouldn’t say corruption, more like enticement

Ditto :+1:


Sylvanus was controlled just like the rest of us 3rd-war Forsaken were. We had to wrest back our wills from the weakened Lich King. So there is definitely a control element to raising undead, and perhaps that is being employed again…


My dude, she’s the villain of THIS expansion.


I dont play much alliance so I didnt even know she was more than a grunt level character. There was a traitor in legion from the wardens so it’s not that lazy of writing for another.

I mean her resentment goes back quite a bit. As she also had bitterness when Maiev went MIA leaving her to lead the wardens temporarily.
Then add the perceived abandonment of Elune and Tyrande that she felt. It’s where she’s at mentally and why I think we are to surmise her choice to go horde/forsaken. None of the loyalties and beliefs she once had protected her or were present when needed so now she questions the side she was fighting for.

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