Magni now communes with Azeroth, he’s bound to the element of Earth. Which is what gave N’zoth a room in Neltharion’s head.
Tyrande hasn’t hit rock bottom yet. She still thinks she can do everything by herself. Until she hits rock bottom and learns that she needs assistance, she will fail.
Imagine if we have to kill Magni during N’zoth raid due to corruption?
They could have had the alliance players stun or attack the valkyr while she attempted to rez the fallen. Idk it just feels like they want to kill off alot of key alliance figures. Heck seeing that Derek was ash and they brought him back. Watch as they try to raise varian as forsaken. Even though Guldan destroyed him with the Fel.
The thread title sounds like a Lifetime channel mini-series…just sayin"…
I don’t like that the PC is forced to kill a defeated and helpless opponent that we have work with in the past. Like Blizzard is trying to teach young children how to be sociopaths. At least they could have had the mortal kombat guy yell “Finish her!” or something.
I took the option to spare her, Nathanos gave me the stink eye and did it himself.
The end result was the same, but there is an option to just beat her into submission and not want to land the killing blow.
But yeah, we’re fighting the army of the light now. They’re fighting highmountain taurens and nightfallen, etc…
War is a hell of a thing.
I would imagine that dying and then being brought back as undead would be pretty mind-altering in and of itself. Certainly explains why many - if not most or all, Before the Storm notwithstanding - undead have a distinct hatred for the living.
Burning of Teldrassil Tyrande “Lol gl with the BBQ (bubble hearth)”
Honestly, we could use Varian right about now. Anduin has no idea what he’s doing
Yea I think the writers messed up rushing Anduin into the spotlight. I mean think about it. In legion he could have developed more . I think they wanted to kill Varian and Voljin off at the same time. Varian was awesome, Even though the cinematic of Anduin was cool. He still seems like the runt of the litter. Just saying , because with Steve Danuser and Alex pushing Sylvannas and adding so much plot armor to her. Characters like Anduin , Tyrande and more are not likely get much development. Honestly it seems like the nightwarrior hype dies next patch or in 8.3.
Thrall was the Obama of the Horde. He was trying to make the horde something they were not; a bunch of bleeding heart pacifists.
Varian could see it, and so could Garrosh.
Garrosh even had a good arc going for him as his story was more in line with previous chieftans like Blackhand, Orgrim, and Ner’zhul.
While the line of greenskins is no more, Sylvannus encapsulates the spirit of the traditional horde, in her own undead/plague filled kind of way.
So at the end of the day, no matter what the Horde will always be conquerors whose sole objective is to enslave everyone else and or destroy the world?
ideally, yes
In the last Q and A, Lore mentioned that in January there would be a Q and A on the lore of Warcraft. I think we need to hold whoever takes that Q and A feet to the fire and get some clarification, with all the retcons and changes to characters on both sides, it’s becoming impossible to tell what the heck is going on anymore.
Watch them come up with something stupid to justify Sylvannas. Not to mention Sira and Delaryn willingly joining the horde. Watch them try to use another retcon to handle this retcon. They can’t argue mind control, theres been others that doesn’t show any signs of it. Only Nerzuhl had that power. My guess is there about to announce another book and are worried that players won’t buy it. They can’t fool the players no longer with the bad writing. Alex and Danuser screwed it up so bad, no different then the last jedi screw up. Hack writing.
Don’t forget in war of thorns it was said Elune couldn’t help Tyrande or the nightelves because Sylvannas was nearby. This right here needs to be addressed, is Elune weak? Did the writers give Sylvannas so much plot armor that Elune herself /nightwarrior Tyrande isn’t a match for her? I feel like the nightwarrior campaign is a joke. Another way of making fun of the alliance at the hands of the writers. How is it possible Sylvannas would be stronger then Elune? These writers are screwing things up but watch them cherry pick the questions that are easier for them to answer and ignore the ones that call them out for there mistakes.
And yet Sylvanas was nearby when the tree burned and Elune managed to send all the trapped Night Elves into slumber and take their last breath so they wouldn’t suffer. They can’t have it both ways.
Yea alot of stuff doesn’t make any sense. It feels as if the hack writers don’t what they got themselves into. They made sure to give themselves plenty of time. To try and come up with an excuse by the next Q&A.
When was this?
A number of expansions? Didn’t she just show up in Legion?