Sira Moonwarden & becoming Forsaken

Bad and lazy writing. They do not go into dept and they do not read up on things before they put them in the story. That is why their are flaws within the story telling. It happens in tv, movies, and books. The writers either forget or they do not care and want to change it the way they want it. Bad writers do not read past scripts or do research and mess up on what is known, therefore remain ignorant. Lazy writers they just do not care if it conflicts with older material and do what ever is easy, without explanation.

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These are both good ideas and possibly the truth but I’m starting to think that it’s something in between. People have come up with the idea that being risen by a Valkyr alters their brain chemistry, both the trauma of coming back through the Veil (which has to be shocking) and that the transformation actively works on the darker emotions, amplifying them and overwhelming their personality.

The Forsaken that you create willingly accepts being Forsaken, and I guess the logic of that is that you, the player, retain your will in your control of the character. That really even applies to offing yourself - you can delete the character if it all becomes too much. The impression I’ve got in the past is that Forsaken can die if they really want to, either by just jumping off a cliff or letting themselves die. But characters who accept undeath willingly (as that stormsage npc did) aren’t forced into it and retain their self-awareness - they choose to do what they do. I guess Nathanos is probably a prime example of a Forsaken who very much chooses to be who he is and doing what he does.

But the Night Elves are resurrected by force, and that probably has a lot to do with it.

As I’ve said, if its something along those lines, it would be nice if the writers could somehow incorporate that into the story to explain what is currently sort of inexplicable.


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Should the players ignore the story and just play the game. When the writers start to add things that don’t make sense?

Seems like the players might stop playing the game… if things continue on this path anyway.


Does speaking in bold make it so…or actually explain what it is they mean???

Feel free to extrapolate…possibly do not boldy go…where no Rogue has gone before…


Battle for Anything

If you talk to them they tell you that undeath has brought a new sense of clarity. It is the catch all on how xyz can be made undead and not turn on their raisers while still having free will.

It’s poor writing, and blizzard are trying very very hard at making it not seem stupid, instead of just actually writing something that isn’t stupid to begin with.

We also have the caveat that the risen NE are the ones “willing” to be resurrected. For whatever reason, NE are strong enough to deny the resurrection unlike humans that have no say, severing their spirit from their body.

I’d say that the ones that say “yes” are the ones that died thoroughly broken and in despair, like Delaryn, dying believing that Elune had abandoned them.

Which still leads us to the why these risen join the ones that killed them, but again, that has been an issue since Cataclysm where risen humans also just joined the Forsaken right away.

It’s not new that risen NE would join Sylvanas, humans already have for the last 8 years, so indeed the question is, if it’s not Mind Control -as it is said by Blizzard- what is the reason that compels the risen to join Sylvanas?

IMO that’s the question, and it has been the question for the last 8 years since Cataclysm. I tend to err on the side of not being actual Mind Control because we have seen Forsaken betray her or just leave, but they are the outliers, so the question is, what compels the new forsaken to follow Sylvanas if it’s not “actual” mind control?

You think thats poor writing, you should see some of the hack writing from war of thorns. There was a line "“Elune couldn’t help her priestesses because of Sylvanas’s presence nearby”. This right here raises alot of questions, it kinda states that Sylvannas rivals that of Elune. Honestly players should know about this and the potential trainwreck thats gonna happen for BFA story. When the book has that hack writing in it. Danuser and Alex are seeing to it that Sylvannas is gonna be getting more power and plot armor. Just like the leak with 8.3 when its said Sylvannas turns the tables and the alliance are on the recieving end of things.
I fear the writers are gonna make Elune out to be some weak creature. Ask yourself as a player how are you gonna react if Elune turns out to be weak and Sylvannas more powerful? Would you support that hack writing?
We already have plenty of that type of writing now with the nightelves being raised. Ignoring all previous lore. Sira and Delaryn are clear examples.

Sylvanas catches Malfurion’s spirit attack that he used against Archimonde with no effort in Good War, Elune is nothing.

Yet she needed Saurfang to step in to save her during darkshore.

That’s non canon version, in the novella she knocked Malfurion into a tree and Saurfang instinctively throw the axe on his back as he get up, which is the reason it hit him in the first place.

Doing the quest, there was a lengthy ritual for those two characters that we didn’t do for the other night elves that fell.

It’s reminiscent of the Lich King in ways and I think it’s supposed to be. There was obviously more involved in those two characters behind the scenes, that could’ve probably been conveyed better in game, but wasn’t.

Like I assume that their souls were being twisted and molded for the Horde’s purposes, much like Sylvanas was before she broke free of the Lich King’s hold. And much like other scourge champions were, including Saurfang’s son.

I don’t think the flashback to Northrend and the involvement of Saurfang is merely coincidental (not to mention the cinematic call backs to Warcraft 3 and a launch of a remastered Warcraft 3). We’ve been seeing Sylvanas grow into this character since at least Cata’s Silverpine Forest revamp.

So to me, they’re not simply joining their murderers all willy nilly. It seems that they’re being shaped into these dark versions of themselves to serve the Horde’s purpose, and it’s obvious that resurrection from a valkyr comes with some level of mind breaking. Again, as we saw with the mages we converted in Silverpine Forest all those years ago.

But they could certainly do better to emphasize this.

The players are the ones that raise them. It’s no different then how others are raised. The only thing we see is Derek Proudmoore being chained up as they try to turn him. Sira and Delaryn still don’t make sense, remember Sylvannas doesn’t have Nerzuhls power of control. Honestly if Alex and Danuser try to add that to her . I hope alot of players will turn away from wow story/lore. Some already have.

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To sum it up, Blizzard does not know their own lore or they just don’t care.

Looking at this expansion alone, I am certain it’s the latter. They destroyed their lore with war of thorns and butchered it further in the novellas. Then they undermine a pillar of their own favorite race, free will in forsaken with Derek Proudmoore, AFTER torching years of work and advertising of their chronicle series by even bringing Derek back! Dude was ash! Ash in the ocean!

The complete failure in this expansion’s story is a glaring reason for this company’s downward spike and it’s not getting better. Major changes and shifts need to happen and some damn good answers need to be given in this q and a in January.

They want to know why their game is going to s**t? It’s evident in the story. It sucks and they don’t care so long as you’re buying fox mounts.

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I am sure the method of bringing a person back as undead determines on how they view the world.

The method used by The Lich King, Necromances, Sylvanas and the Valkyr seems to slant the individual into a darker mode of thought with a general disdain of the living.

The method used by Anduin and the Naaru didn’t seem to have this affect but only time will tell.

But Sylvanas does have Azerite. That’s the curveball that’s in play everywhere, that’s really on the down low for all of these stories. But it’s essentially crystallized well of eternity.

I’m surprised that hasn’t been the cop out explanation for all of these zany power-trippy things that Sylvanas is doing right now.

Yet the writers couldnt have it were Tyrande could have rezzed the nightelves.
Before being changed to forsaken. #Hack writers

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I have my own theory on Azerite. Magni has us just collecting that all the time. Yet the king of diamonds was made a pawn. When you first get your amulet you have to get rid of the azerite out of the chamber. Before it damages the world soul. How would azerite which is part of Azeroth/world soul damage itself? I think magni is being tricked by an old god or something else. And players are actually powering the necklaces in which will revive or make who ever is controlling magni stronger.

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