It’s possible that that’s where Blizzard intends to take the storyline – even some Forsaken will turn against Sylvanas when they discover she’s been mind controlling newly raised people. “What difference is there between you and the Lich King now?”
It wasn’t immediate.
Sira shows doubts when you’re chasing after Tyrande; Teldrassil’s downfall broke her faith.
I’m fine with that.
I main horde and basically don’t play alliance and even I agree that this is ridiculously poor writing.
I am not surprised at that though, BfA is just more and more of lazy, poorly written stuff with a ton of grind.
I actually defied Nathanos and refused to kill Sira. Made him do it himself.
I did the same thing.
Trash job for a trash character who wants to bend over a trash warchief.
I don’t kill POWs
I went through that, although I renounced my faith after that, I did not turn against the world or against the values I once followed, my way of seeing the world being a good person is something that I defend because I believe it is correct, not to please a god or win a paradise.
If the writers believe that the absence of Faith turns people into Nihilists and misanthropes they are very wrong.
and we are always gonna help you guys because unlike the knife ears from suramar, you are real elves, like us
If a group of men break into my house, murder my family and pets, and then burn down my house, I’m not joining said group just because the police didn’t stop them in time.
Apparently she was mad at Maeiv and felt she abandoned the night elves. And the last thing she felt before she died was feeling like the alliance weren’t really going to help her despite her devotion and effort.
I mean I’d be a tad grumpy too
A lot of those who responded have given similar opinions - that she felt betrayed, that she’d lost faith in Elune and so on. While I could understand that would cause her grief, she was still obeying Tyrande’s orders and continuing to undertake her duties despite any of that.
But then you have other characters who have died and become Forsaken and they still exhibit quite human traits and feelings. Thomas Zelling, for example, lets himself be risen so that he can protect his family who are the driving force of his life and his undeath. That sort of deeply personal connection can make one forget things like national loyalties, and its fairly understandable you’d give up everything to save the people you loved most. I actually thought that was good writing; it added depth to an appreciation of why someone would choose to become Forsaken and how they could continue to be one, despite all logic.
But why Night Elves would willingly hand over their loyalty to Sylvanas despite anything they might feel about Elune or Tyrande, that I just can’t grasp. Unless - as I said in my post - there was some corrupting force that literally changed their minds, that took doubts and turned them into hatreds. That I could grasp. I just wish that if its so, it was made more clear in the storyline.
I agree with all those sentiments, so the last people I’d turn on would be the night elves. I’d be wanting the Forsaken exterminated and wouldn’t think twice about killing any goody two-shoes paladin with moral reservations about exterminating the Forsaken and Horde because Anduin wouldn’t like it. I would not be killing my own people. And if it’s that easy to get people to flip with no reservations I want to see Saurfang having no qualms killing the Horde in the same vein.
Yeah, the concept of “wait and see/regroup” from tyrande seems similar to what anduin tells her to do pre-warfront. And she doesn’t like that idea. But then - to some degree - does the same thing with Nathanos.
I’d like her to go full Charles Bronson Deathwish mode.
So basically you want to have boring, predictable and obvious writing while complaining about the same thing?
This is why we don’t get anything better than ‘Alliance good, Horde evil, evil must die’ writing from Blizz. Despite how much we pretend we want different, at the end of the day they know what their playerbase actually wants.
Evil punished, good victorious- the boring status quo.
Not even close. Evil doesn’t even die when it’s the horde doing it because it’s called ‘morally grey’. And raising night elves into undeath isn’t compelling writing. Wrath’s story has come and gone. rehashing Sylvanas boring tale with Delaryn is even worse, especially if the conclusion is the opposite of Sylvanas’ and she stays loyal to her murderer. There’s nothing interesting about undeath as it’s been presented in WoW. What’s boring is the horde twirling it’s mustache scoring victory after victory not caring one bit about the depths they stoop too cause it won’t matter when everyone is slaughtered or raised as a slave to Sylvanas whilst the Alliance clinging to nonsensical morality as it loses time and again. For once I’d like the Alliance to drop a nuke on the Horde, slaughter an entire race to a handful of NPCs and the PC, and then when the big bad comes to threaten the world, the Alliance let’s it kill the Horde and attacks it without lifting a finger to help.
Every member of the Horde that’s gone evil has died, except Sylvanas (yet).
Garrosh, Grom, all the orc warchiefs, Blackfuse, Varimathras, Putress (but yeah, nobody in Sylvanas’ faction ever dies, except you know basically all of them). They’ve been killing off her valkyr like they’re fish in a barrel.
And Sylvanas (and perhaps Nathanos too) will die soon.
So when you say ‘evil doesn’t die when it’s Horde’ you actually meant to say ‘literally everyone evil Horde dies’, right? Heck, even some of the good ones (Vol’jin, Cairne, Nazgrim) die, and the rest either leave (Thrall) or go traitor (Saurfang).
I mean, if you count evil Horde that died between MoP and WoD alone it’d be more than evil Alliance that’ve been killed since the game launched.
She has ‘will survive the expansion’ armor, just like Jaina. That doesn’t mean she won’t get Garroshed the next expac.
no when I say evil doesn’t die when it’s horde, I made it clear, they don’t even consider the horde evil when they’re busy doing awful things, they are called ‘morally grey’.