
The whole elune abandoned us will akways sound hollow thectree was home for 20 ish years they just grew the thing. Also the war of the ancients unless these two were very young fur night elces they have suffered bably where was tgeir why dudnt elune stop the ebil queen. It just sounds like they expect their fiety to vone abd dolve thrir problens wgen over all elune dosent akways take an active role in things and never has

The Forsaken have an odd policy of inverse natural selection in times of war. The Forsaken try to kill their enemies, and, then of the ones they can actually defeat, they raise them, and sometimes even promote them to leadership roles, like Sira. Instead of survival of the fittest, Forsaken run on revival of the unfittest.

Even the likes of Godfrey and Zelling show a considerable flaw in the Forsaken’s recruitment tactics: Both were people who were willing to turn traitor against their home countries, and yet the Forsaken never expected that they would turn against them later as well.

It would almost not be surprising for Sira to betray them as well. If anything, it would be more surprising for Blizzard to realize their trend and use it again.


I keep occassionally thinking she will. But then, I remember that she actively killed Night Elven and Alliance forces at Darkshore. If she had run off to plot revenge on Sylvanas from the shadows, it’d of been one thing. As it stands now, she’d just be Godfrey over again, hated and hunted by both factions. I’m putting money on her being Horde/Sylvanas til the end.


To be fair, Sira was one of Maiev’s Wardens, and was probably a fugitive after Maiev tried to kill Malfurion and did kill a number of Night Elf Mages and Worgen, which all might have been overlooked when it was for Maiev?

Maybe? I kind of just figured any of her Wardens that survived her initial attempted capture were granted the same magical forgiveness.


Probably. But still, Darkshore might not even be Sira’s first time killing Night Elf and Alliance forces. I don’t really mind seeing Sira as an enemy.

I’m just waiting for the moment when Sira and Delaryn “wake up” from their initial undead bender and realize they’re like Sylvanas and can’t escape this undeath - unless this has been mentioned already

For creatures that loved nature and a lifecycle and lived thousands of years, I agree with most in this thread: the quick about-face seems incredibly jarring.

Even Lilian “Boss” Voss (“boss” because Voss autocorrects to boss, and that’s just keep-material) and Redgrave have very unique reactions to being undead.

This seems the right conclusion but it’s a coin toss, really.

From Brynja’s Beacon:

To me this is a pretty clear indication that Val’kyr can dominate the wills of the risen. Whether there is any significance to this text or it is a throwaway line, who knows?

What’s that saying? Never trust a traitor: he betrayed his first master, he will betray you too.


Oh, yeah. Of the two, Delaryn is definitely the one that makes me more angry over their “We ArE fOrSaKeN!!1!” 180.

“I grieve for you…”

“You have made Life your enemy. And that is a war you will never win.”

“You can kill us, but you cannot kill Hope.”

She would have made a great martyr character to galvanize the Night Elven playerbase behind. Or maybe resurrected as an avatar of vengeance by the Night Warrior. Anything but the steaming pile of male Tauren excrement we got.


They could even do fun interactions between them and normal nelfs. Imagine Sentinels trying to save a bunch of nelf prisoners only to be cornered and they themselves be saved by the rogue night elfs who make it clear they only wanted to protect the civilians. Demanding territory in Ashenvale or Darkshore to operate out of.

I definitely agree with you there. I had a similar conversation with Carmageddon in another thread:


Yeah, I really liked Delaryn’s character in WoT and was saddened by her death. But, I moved on and was fine with her short storyline ending in a tragic death.

Well, that was until 8.1 when they brought her back as a “100% willing to join the Forsaken and kill her people” abomination. She went from a tragic character who was a hero for the night elves, to a complete and utter joke who only exists for the Horde story.


This is similar to what happened with Suramar.

At the time, I thought of it as Night Elf content but now, since the Nightborne joined the Horde, Suramar can be seen as Horde content.

Delaryn’s story is of a Night Elf character that in retrospect is Horde content.


I just wish that if they were going to go to all that trouble to develop Delaryn’s character, we could get more out of her than “Stares at her hands” and a blink-and-you’ll-miss-it fight in the Warfront.

It’s such a waste. And yeah. There could be ways that the turn to the forsaken could have been good and believable. But having the “WE ARE ABANDONED!” speech while Tyrande is going “Come on back, sisters,” and -bleeping- MAEIV SHADOWSONG is offering mercy and the freaking MOON is in a permanent total eclipse defying the laws of physics is just one more bit of confusion.

If it’s upset over being rejected by the night elves and ostracized by your people for the monster you were forced to become… Maybe show literally any character rejecting them?


Sira in that last panel made me lol. If I were murdered and subsequently raised into psychotic undeath, I hope I could embrace it with such adorable glee.

There seems to be a certain flaw in Kaldorei psychology where if they hit a certain level of despair they just go nihilisticly mad: We saw the same thing with Fandral when he betrayed his own people and sided with Ragnaros.

It is my ongoing theory Sira, Delaryn, and the other dark rangers/wardens were already teetering on this precipice as they died. With the ever so subtle and adept meddling of the Val’kyr they were pushed over this ledge as they were reanimated.

This mindset changes what the Val’kyr meant about ‘willing’ Kaldorei; it may of been that willing in this case meant more “it is possible to make them willing” than actually being willing to begin with.


To be fair, that’s a Warcraft trope ranging all the way to Sargeras himself.

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Delaryn’s final internal monologue reads as “How to Make A Banshee 101”, but like… Fandral and his daughter whose name I’m blanking on were still intent on destroying their enemies. The ones who pushed them over. And also their friends and everything else.

Daughter-whose-name-begins-with-an-L didn’t immediately join the Horde after they killed her kid.

Fandral wanted to burn everything, not team up with the bug folks or his other former enemies. (Granted, he did team up with one enemy, but not the one who pushed him to madness).


Leyara. And yes, I could buy Sira and Delyarn wanting to kill everyone like Leyara a lot more than I buy them joining Sylvanas.