Sin'dorei druids and more druids

We can encourage them to. They did it with dks. And with the new starting zone it is the perfect time to just introduce more starting zones, add new race/class comboes that now make sense to catch up with lore.

It doesn’t have to be day 1. It could be a selling point for a 9.1 for example.

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The Sin’dorei stance on Druidism has not changed since the Burning Crusade. It is a study they believe is backwards and beneath them. Botanists are not Druids.


Your opinion is wrong.


I never suggested they were. The Farstriders, who work within nature and are closer to it than arcane, do not share that belief. You have no idea about the Sin’dorei or the political climate of Silvermoon. The Farstriders and Magisters don not see eye to eye on continuing to fully rely on arcane magic. Especially after the Sunwell was brought back, they are looking for ways to completely break free from their arcane addiction.

Good one. Move along troll.

Hey don’t get mad at me, I’m just handing out the facts.


One instance of a type of character doesn’t mean it’s meant for the whole race to be.

The Farstriders respect Nature only so far as it is useful to them, like all Sin’dorei. They are not Sentinel’s like the Kaldorei, they possess no unique insights or special connections to nature.

I do, in fact. As someone who has several Blood Elves and role-plays them, part of my responsibilities as a good role-player is to know my lore reasonably well. Your headcanon is not official WoW lore.

Your adherence to your own narrative doesn’t make anything you say as lore either.

And clearly you don’t. You’re just another person stuck in TBC refusing to evolve like the Sin’dorei have in-game.

Unlike you, I play this game. You hang out in the inn.

This statement means nothing.

No. Again, I keep abreast of my WoW lore. I do so to the best of my ability so that I can more accurately immersive myself in the world around me. The Sin’dorei stance on Druidism was mocked even in Legion when the three elven armies assembled to march on Suramar.

Inn role-play is typically for those who prefer conversation-based encounters almost exclusively. I prefer WRP, or World Role-Play.


Right. Sure.

:+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: More druid races

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So when faced with an evidence-based rebuttal your response is merely to brush off all legitimate queries regarding your knowledge of the lore? How do you ever expect anyone to take you seriously if you act that immature?


You’ve literally presented no arguments other than you RP. That’s not an argument, it’s just a baseless statement. Enjoy your polishing your staff in the inn back in 2006.

No, I did provide you with evidence.

During the Suramar invasion, the Sin’dorei play several pranks on the Kaldorei, openly mocking their adherence to Elune, Druidism, and Nightwells. Even Lady Liadrin herself scoffed at the notion of Druidic troops amoung the assembled ranks.

This is merely one piece of recent evidence. I can type up more if you want it.


He has presented a lot more of an argument, you are just choosing to ignore it. I know you want to be able to play every class as a pretty elf but you are just plain wrong.


Please add actual claims and not just that you RP.

You do understand that even in Zandalari society they mock druidism and yet are still practitioners of the magic. There is a daily quest to prank Zandalari druids in Zuldazar and deface their idols. Not all members of a race have to be on board for a race to have access to them. The orcs didn’t trust warlocks but still allowed them in Orgimmar. The humans knew the dangers of fel magic and it was still practiced in Stormwind in the Slaughtered Lamb.

Next argument.


I literally just did; nowhere in my example was role-playing mentioned. Now you’re just stuck on trying to use that as a crutch to discredit me, while ignoring the actual evidence I have provided.

You’re choosing to purposefully ignore the statements I made because they directly counter your claim that the Sin’dorei have come to see value in Druidism. Being ignorant or ignoring something doesn’t actually change the lore just because you don’t like it.


I just refuted your claim. Next argument.

Didn’t you learn your lesson in the Orc Druid thread? :thinking:

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Yeah, that’s not going to change my opinion. Lore is evolving all the time.