Sin'dorei druids and more druids

It’s wishful thinking. One character doesn’t equate to the race being able to be Druids. And he’s still not even technically a Druid; neither botanist is. Again, they don’t do anything that could classify them as Druids other than turn into trees, which isn’t the only way a Druid operates.

Beyond all that, again, Blood Elves have 10/12 classes and a unique, Elf only one at that. They don’t need more.

Pandaren Druids should be next.


Why not have them both or more at the same time… like they did with death knights. I don’t like seeing the me first arguement. I do support pandaren druids. I would have loved to see them take august celestial forms. Seeing as pandaren descend from Ursoc and pandarens were mutated furlorgs.

Because Blood Elves should not get Druids, full stop. It’s not a me first mentality, it’s giving other races a chance for love. Blood Elves are favored enough; we don’t need more reasons for more players to play them. More diversity is good, and giving Blood Elves access for every class erases diversity.

There are plenty of options on the Horde; give Alliance Dwarf Druids to balance out the quality of Druids on both factions and then give Pandaren Druids.


I’m thinking about leaving WoW once the impending level squish happens. Blood Elf Druids would definitely make me reconsider whether or not to leave.

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Idk dude. If people want to have a blood elf druid let them. Personally I have lots of druids. If goblins could be druids I would probably play them. I do enjoy using the San’layn disguise on my boomkin druid. As far as blood elfs using solar and moon magic that just fits really well with them. As the sunwell is made of arcane and solar is nature. Blood elf astromancers also exist

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Giving the fans everything they want is a sure way of killing what little lore is left in this game.

I’m passionate about Druids in particular because it’s one of two classes that aren’t touched by the Elf plague the Horde suffers from. I don’t mind Blood Elves, but for years it felt like Blood Elves and Friends the faction because that’s all I ever saw when playing with people. Druid lore doesn’t support Blood Elves, and in 15 years that hasn’t changed; I will continue to argue against their addition, both on the personal level of disliking the over abundance of Blood Elves as well as the current lore justifications or lack there of.

And yes, I have a lot of Druids as well. I’ve loved this class for 13 years; it’s the one thing I’m confident in my grasp of.


Whelp that sounds like a personal problem… I can’t change your hatred of blood elves. I do love the shape-shifting them and celestial magic. The playstyle is also fun. So I would love more races have access to it. I do enjoy playing my darkspear troll druid. I can not wait for the sandfury customization, I’m hoping for some ice troll skins as well. And Grimtotem customization.

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Gods, I know it’s probably out of their scope, but my DK is supposed to be Drakkari. I’d love for bulkier Troll body options so fit with that. And the thin Kul’tiran.

And yeah, it is a personal problem. It’s just one that lines up with current lore so I’m that much more passionate about it. Druids are everything I want in a playable class and why a lot of MMOs don’t appeal to me. So there’s passion in the grumpiness.

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Orc druid, orc paladin, orc titan, blood elf druid, human druid, human shaman, gnome druid, gnome demon hunter, orc demon hunter, worgen monk, worgen paladin, troll demon hunter, necromancer murloc, lore demon hunter.

Everything is everything and anything will be anything, because yes.

Welcome to the new blizzard.

Technically we have human druids.

They’re called Kul Tirans.

And the npc race has 3 models (bodytypes) to choose from…

Technically kul tirans arent druids.
Neither are zandalari.

If it were up to me those things would’ve been made separate classes or never added at all. I HATE how they used druid as a shoe-in for things that arent druids, even though they all have to go through the same class hall which is obviously meant for REAL druids, not these imposters.

Class Identity has done nothing but degrade since they started up with these ‘features’.

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Considering Shadowlands is getting a new starter zone and the TBC quests haven’t been updated since the beginning to reflect the changes of the Sin’dorei, I think that’s way outdated.

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I agree! Both Draenei and Blood Elf starting zones have not been touched since Day One!

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Since this has turned into me defending blood elf druids, I guess I’ll make a mega thread for them.

I’m still hopeful for race class combinations to be loosened for a lot of races and classes.

Night Elf Paladin seems a no brainer at this point.
Blood Elf Druid
Orc & Draenei demon hunters
Human, Orc, & Dwarf druids
Tauren warlock
Draenei warlocks
Worgen & Goblin monks

They said there aren’t plans to introduce more race/class combinations yet. If there were, they’d have made it a selling point like they did in Cataclysm.

Illogical, though not entirely without merit.

Completely illogical. You clearly know nothing about Blood Elves if you think this should be a combination.

Acceptable. Illidan’s minions experimented on the Broken and Orcs with Fel magic for years.

Human Druids already exist through the Kul Tiran.
Orcs care nothing about Nature and delight in slaughtering and harvesting it.
Wildhammer Dwarves have lore in place that does support Druidism, however.

Absolutely not. Tauren who have become Warlocks are completely corrupted, they are not considered Tauren anymore.

A draenei summoning an Eredar? You’ve no grasp on Draenei lore.

Acceptable, and should have been implemented during Mists of Pandaria. You can add Lightforged Draenei to that list as well, as they have an entire tradition of martial arts to fall back on.

Do you have a link to this? Because I never read, heard, or saw anything like that.

Read above about changes in the ranks and thought process of the Sin’dorei, as well as the wow blood elf race page.

Blood elves are the most popular race in the game. Giving them druids would be laughable.

Not a good argument.