Sin'dorei druids and more druids

I’m really hopeful with the “customization” of Shadowlands that has been talked about we get more class options. Since we aren’t getting a new class I think we should be getting new class options for most races.

The one I hope for the most is Blood Elven Druids to finally be added to the roster. I think going forward into Shadowlands there are many avenues for this to come to fruition. From Loa, old wild god, and potentially other unforseen story concepts blizzard could introduce.

Other notable druidic options: humans, dwarves, orcs.


You have ten classes already, you’re not getting any more before other races unless another class is introduced, and current signs say that there won’t be right now.

We’ve have enough spamming on the subject of nonsensical orc druids, too.


May I ask why there’s such an enormous surge in people wanting more druids, specifically, Vulpera, Orc, and Elvish?
I’m not really against it, as I think any class that can be a shaman ought to be able to be a druid (as long as Draenei forms are just different sized fridges), but I find it weird that so many people are vocalizing about this particular topic.


It would ruin the imperial vibe, possibly introduce political instability.


Its mostly because druid is the least available class racially speaking. For years it was only Night Elf and Tauren. Then they introduced Troll and Worgen. The latest one is really only Kul’tiran. Yes the Zandalari got unique forms, but they are still just trolls. Out of all the races available we only have 7 out of 21 that can be druids. With 4 of them essentially being overlap races; Tauren & High Mountain. Troll & Zandalari.

More races being added into the repertoire of druids would just make sense at this point in the game.

I disagree. If this were the case they wouldn’t have chosen demon hunters and elves to give them too. Racial imbalance can’t be a reason to keep a class from a race. Or races.


Which blood and night elves already had in lore and weren’t exactly common among other races.


It was a half built class given only to elves. In the lore, yes it made sense. In the scheme of WoW there were better options of classes for them to add over demon hunter.

Because it’s easy for people to ask for more druids when they’re not the ones that have to make up all the models


Blizzard really missed an opportunity this April 1st in not presenting some new druid forms. :laughing:

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I mean this is the “customization” xpac. I would think this should be possible since they aren’t making a new class with animations, spell effects, balancing dmg/healing, and options for 75% of the races.

Sin’dorei druid forms could literally be different shades of night elven forms.

I mean look at the tauren & high mountain forms.


The focus will be on the player characters and the options already in the game. Not making up new class combos or they would have mentioned that at blizzcon.


I think there was a lot not mentioned at Blizzcon. We know very little with regards to Shadowlands and it’s been 5 months of silence.

I get that character aesthetic customization was a key point pitched and only a little shown. But customization can go much further for all races getting new class options. It’s not like the animations aren’t already in the game. We can see them all in model viewer.

It would seem like a major missed opportunity to not expand race class combinations.

Druid forms are the only ones that would require potentially new models for some, and reskinning for others. The customization options they’ve shown off aren’t even going to impact the models animations. So to me it just seems like more paint options when we could be getting more foundations & things to apply the paint to.

I honestly hope they would consider updating the story during shadowlands to include more race/class options and be open to adding more starting zones for them like the dk one (short sweet introduction to them with lore and ready to fight at level 20 for base classes). And opening up to add more race/class comboes along the way as lore is made for them much like allied races. That way we don’t have to wait expansions for them. For example Legion would have been a good time to introduce night elf paladins, WoD would have been a great time to introduce dranei rogues and orc priests. BC a good time for things like tauren mages/warlocks.

I would love this to at least be something unlockable for those of us that want to go for more orthodox comboes. Or rather different variants of a class with similar spell kits. Such as elementalists = shaman = battle mage.

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They could add a small starting zone to the old class order halls, or perhaps the new druid newborn zone for druids for example.

Class skins could also be a different way to get druids but not druids. For example getting a druid of the flame could give night elfs and other druids access to this class skin and unlock it for other races like dark iron dwarves.

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Druids definitely need more races in this game


Dwarf druids :drooling_face:

Finally every class I play could be a dwarf.
Seriously though, with the new starting zone it seems like it would be a good time to add more classes to different races.


Yeah, similar to the Legion artifact style. Giving druids a sort of base form then letting them customize their form based on your faction. So you get let’s say a pool of 30 forms for all the horde druids and 30 for the alliance. There could even be some overlap, as in Legion, the artifact forms didn’t really change PVP not being able to identify horde vs alliance. If it has a red name and is attackable it’s probably not your friend.

Or like a botanist class with generic forms like a wood cat, moonkin using the botani (race) forms etc. Or dragonsworn (based on that fake leak) which turns you into dragon forms.

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Yes, lets take the races that care least about nature and make them the nature-loving class -_-

Please, at least try to make a tiny bit of sense with class/race combos. There are some that simply should not exist, ever, and among those are blood elf, human, and orc druids. Never.

Pandaren are the only currently available race that even makes a little bit of sense for getting druids added. Everyone else can suck it, they dont deserve us.