Sin'dorei druids and more druids

:rofl: Are you trolling?

So what you are saying is that the Highmountain are lore plausible for warlocks, and your reference is the Feltotem.

An off shoot tribe that gained extra powers by literally consuming demon blood?

So your goal, then, is for there to be more high mountain allied with the burning legion that have consumed demon blood, and are player characters?

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The blood totem returned the highmountain clan. So it’s lore plausible that some high mountain warlocks had soul stones and get reborn… much like the goblin warlock in the orc/troll starting zone.

And the returning blood totem could also if they wanted learn to be warlocks from other horde members such as the nightborne who they are close to regionally who were also in a similar boat.

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I need to see a reference that specifically a Feltotem returned to the Highmountain fold, and kept their demonic infused powers. Or that a Bloodtotem, without the demonic infused powers, was also a warlock.

Not all Bloodtotem became Feltotem.

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Only issue is the Grimtotem are Warlocks because they joined the Legion and become Feltotem, and we’ve essentially wiped them out of existence. I doubt Mayla would ever allow Feltotem to join the Highmountain again. So there is some lore behind it, it’s no different than Tauren being in the Twilight Hammer and being Warlocks. We can’t always rely on what classes the villains we kill are.

Same can be said about the Bontanists. If I remember right, Freywinn is experimenting on plant life and using magic to twist it. In fact, I believe both him and Tel’arn are arcanists that are manipulating nature to bend to their will. Much the same as how Eversong is perpetually autumn due to arcanists twisting the natural order to suit their needs.

Even those Elves shown with an affinity for nature are using it as a weapon, and as a means to twist it with the use of the arcane so that it does what it wants. There’s no reverence which means, at best, they could be Balance Druids and all other specs would have to be locked out.


Those aren’t Druids or Nature users. And Valewalker wasn’t one of them.

The fal’dorei are a race of former elves found in Suramar. Many years ago, exiles from Suramar City came to Falanaar. Valewalker Farodin took pity on them and gifted them with an arcan’dor tree. For a time it sustained them and they were safe, but it did not last forever. The arcan’dor became unstable and died, and in a flash of wild magic the elves were twisted into spider-like creatures, becoming the fal’dorei.

Valewalker was what they called a “proto-druid” and he’s not a Nightborne.

Farodin was part of an ancient order of keepers that was formed by the first of the elven magi, and a small enclave of proto-druids (they predated the first druid Malfurion, but they were not actually full druids).[1] Together, they created the arcan’dor, which brought arcane into balance using nature as a vessel. Over time, Farodin’s masters faded away, and only he remains.


Yes thus they would be classified as botanists in lore. Which is not an issue. They had evil version of paladins initially for example and then went the original route at the end of bc. A similar situation could happen with most botanists.

In lore blood elves have a connection with nature and use mostly arcane to shape it. The nightborne also do this thus the botanists and when you go into the nightborne starting zone you still see grove tenders. Studying druidism alongside there horde allies could perhaps improve there studies.

Anyway I just dislike that people aren’t open to different forms of using the same magic schools. Druidism is about arcane/nature/ with a spiritual aspect tied to the titans with druidism. Botanist use arcane to twist nature to there will and don’t necessarily have a belief system or ties to titan worship. So I would love to have racial philosophical differences.

And reusing the shape-shifting class idea to botanists would be no issue if they have the same spells maybe different names if it really bothers people. Zandalari Paladins feel a bit off using human spells but they make alot of sense in lore for example. Blood knights had stole magic from a Naaru to use holy magic, blood elves are the original evil paladins playable to players. A similar thing could happen to druids. Kul Tirans have tidesages a sort of evil form of shamanism with a connection to void in the water…

Anyway It is stuff I would like to be in-game. The Keeper Remulos also suggested not all beings of nature are friendly to us.

I’m fine with it conceptually for things like the Drust and Trolls and even Harvest Witches (though that one was a stretch, the Worgen inclusion makes up for it.)

But every single one of the Druids thst we have stems from a place of worship of something powerful in nature, most notably Wild Gods, Loa, or the Emerald Dream. An equal respect for the balance of the natural order.

Blood Elves and Nightborne are different from their Night Elven cousins because they DON’T do this. Their very foundation of their existence is the difference in ideals from what Night Elves believed in, hence why the Highborne were booted from society. To erase that by just giving Blood Elves and Nightborne Druids essentially makes them pink Night Elves; they lose a lot of their culture. Twisting nature and bending it to their will isn’t how Druids get their powers. A new nature based class would work better for that.

You advocate for different philosophical ideals by saying Blood Elves should give up those ideals for the sake of having a class. And that will always bother me. People want to play a pretty Druid on the Horde side and they don’t care what lore or philosophy or foundation they have to bend, twist, or break to get it. And I will always have issue with that.

Beyond all in game lore reasons, Blood Elves have 10/12 classes available to them. Players have so many options that they don’t need more. Let the lore for Druids and Shamans remain in tact.


Hell yeah, let’s make the entire Horde Blood Elves!!!


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I do not just support it for blood elves though. I think botanists as a class skin would be great for more races such as… dwarves, gnomes, void elves, blood elves, highborne, orcs, undead, humans, dranei.

Other druid class skins… druids of the flame.
Thornwitch (kultiran basically thornspeakers for undead too)
Venomancers (like orcs and trolls turning into snakes)

This thread is more about blood elf druids though which I love simply because there whole starting zone is shown to have a love of nature with an arcane touch to mold there surroundings. A good blood elf druid sort of view of it if since they had botanists twist nature to look like that.

Which should be an entirely separate class and use the Botani form.

I don’t like the separate class thing because we have so many classes already. But a reskin would make pvp better as to have less spells to remember. This is a gameplay thing that would better be served as a reskin imo.

There is no love for nature. They’ve twisted it and ended the natural cycle because they like the aesthetics of autumn. That’s not love, that’s manipulation. Blood Elves have no care for nature whatsoever if it doesn’t provide them an aesthetic beauty or something useful.

“Class skins” would be neat, but the only race currently that would make sense as Druids are Pandaren. No other class has the connection to it.


I agree we don’t need another class, but a Botanist in this game forces Nature to do things and twists it with Arcane into something else. That’s not a Druid, nor should it be classified as one. Especially given the class hall storylines that are quite specific.

A Botanist would have nothing to do with the Wild Gods or Emerald Dream.

Twisting Paladin lore into that abomination that is Tauren Paladin crap was bad enough. This would be taking it even further and I am very much against that.


There are shown to be human druids and wild hammer druids. Kul Tirans are human thus stormwind humans would also have that capability. Thus Vrykul would also be capable druids. Anyone blessed to be a druid could be a druid technically. Illidan was studying to be a druid but went mage instead lore-wise. Characters can change there class in lore xD.

I do like Tauren Paladins but they do suffer from gameplay not matching lore. Alot of npcs use leather for there sets so a reskin of the class would have been appreciated. Like fiery based themes, having an anshe based casting animation instead of the book, and having access to Leather for Transmog sets.

But unfortunately gameplay wise resources can not be spread like that thus I am offering the best solution that would save time and have easier ways of being implemented.

It would be a waste to have another class with similar schools of magic and spells when they can do a reskin. Pvp wise it would mean less stuff to remember which is already alot with 36 specs. And the artists seem to do good jobs visually, the game systems and balancing always seem to struggle so my viewpoint considers all that along with wanting more customization to player’s to choose from.

Kul Tiran are Druids because of the Drust. They were designed from the ground up to be Druidic (WC3 didn’t give much more, not like the rest of these races, so Blizzard was able to build on it). That doesn’t automatically translate to Stormwind Humans being able to be Druids, just the same as Highborne can’t be despite Night Elves being Druids.

Wild Hammer i could accept, but they aren’t technically playable. They have a connection to the Emerald Dream, so that leads to the potential of Druidism learning.

Also hero characters can change classes because they aren’t limited by gameplay reasons. They created Me’dan but I doubt they’ll give anyone the chance to play as a half Human, quarter Orc, quarter Draenei shaman mage paladin.


There was a human druid before the kul tiran released thornspeakers. It was rare to see a human druid.

It is also shown a dwarf using druid powers in hearthstone. Wildhammer druids are a thing too. It can be assumed both of these titan creatures have capabality of druidism. They just need access to the nature magic. Thornspeakers have access with it because of the drust but they get powers from the shadowlands. A zone which will introduce more druid lore. Other lore such as for botanists can possibly be expanded at this moment as well.

Please…never use a card game where Garrosh is still alive as a reason for lore in WoW to be supported. I already said Wildhammer are believable but they aren’t technically playable; the Dwarves we play as are Bronzebeard.

And rare to see a Human Druid is exactly why players shouldn’t get it. It’s again no different than Tauren Mages/Warlocks seem in the Twilight Hammer. We are very much on the rails as far as what we play as, much as we want to break that mold. We adhere to the races/factions that we’re apart of, and I don’t want to see that change unless Blizzard goes full out and allows me to ignore the pointless faction war.

We don’t get full player agency, and for good or for bad, that means our characters are beholden to the lore in game and shouldn’t deviate from that. I’ll advocate to break the lore but it can’t be done in tiny bits and pieces to suit a small group of players who can’t be Druids unless they look like Legolas.

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thoses were the druids I wanted to see. O.o A similar thing with blood elves with mana forms and magic tattoos would be cool.