Sin'dorei druids and more druids

From the Farstriders wiki referring to their bond with nature:

While many of their brethren focus on magical supremacy and the wonders of the arcane, the Farstriders retain some of their forebears’ connection to nature, feeling at home in the forests and finding allies in the wilderness - while Silvermoon has many political divisions, in nature the Farstriders find allies that do not know deceit.

This still shows their are bonds to nature that still exist within Sin’dorei society. The Farstriders have been deployed all over Azeorth to aid the horde. And many of their excursions have been with other druidic cultures and aiding them.

You can continue to picture blood elves as “arcane addicts” but that narrative has changed. That sorta ended at the end of TBC with the re-igniting of the Sunwell. They are moving away from their dependence on arcane magics. The wow race page even states as such.

Sin’dorei druids make sense now more than ever.


If they aren’t “real druids,” then we need a new Nature using class. But the Nightborne had zero interest in Druidism (edited for better clarification). Valewalker wasn’t a Nightborne and he’s the one who pushed for the Arcan’dor, which is just twisting Nature and Arcane together anyway. The Nightborne are very much like the Belfs in that if they can’t use it for more power, they don’t care.

With as much as people want all of these classes to be Druids that shouldn’t ever be Druids, I think we just need to come up with a new idea for a Nature based class that would fit better. Maybe use the Botani form for it that way.

It’s a reasonable justification for a class that looks like a druid, acts like a druid, but isn’t a druid.

Blizzard wrote themselves an out on this one. There was an ancient Order of night elves that used Arcane magic to “brute force” their way through Druidism.
All these Night Elves died, except one, who helped the Nightfallen elves with their mana addiction.

I’m amazed they didn’t take that opportunity honestly

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Botanist class. yes.
Druid? no.


Those arcane fruit. I’ve just done the Suramar questline and it pains me that we can’t ally them.

I guess they’re too fancy :joy:

Being in touch with Nature is not the same as having a connection to the Emerald Dream. Night Elves and Tauren have the Moon and Sun, Cenarius, Malorne, All as Liaisons to the emerald dream.

The Worgen are especially blessed as half of their soul is permenantly tied to the emerald dream, wrestling with it’s primordial energy for all time.

The Highmoutain Tauren are the chosen people of Eche’ro, Blessed by the wild gods since the war of the ancients.

Sin’dorei dont have this benefactor.

I don’t see them as Mana Addicts. Not anymore. Times change

But all the races who understand the complexities of druidism are very “Sins of the father” type folks.

The Night Elves have continued to prove they are unworthy to follow the teachings of Cenarius by that reasoning. The planting of world trees without approval, the use of the well of eternity water, the scheming to kill wild gods, the betrayal of their own, their siding with an evil elemental lord… Sins of the Father, man they sure get a lot of passes then.

Worgen were cursed and suddenly get druidism. Yeah convenient.

Gaining access to the Shadowlands, specifically Ardenweld, that we meet Wild Gods who are going to be rebirthed. I don’t see why the Sin’dorei, specifically the Farstriders, couldn’t commune and regain or learn druidism from a Wild God or Loa.


This is a good reason, actually. And I can’t refute it, other than the Loa, which are generally seen as Troll specific, as the trolls are their patron saints, and they seem to be quite choosy.

My point isn’t that the Blood elves would be in some way unable to be druids. It’s that the existing druids wouldn’t allow them to be part of the Cenarion circle.

I get that it’s super annoying that druid is one of the most specific classes in the game. But it is that way for a reason. WoW remains strictly based off of Warcraft 3 and should remain that way.

The Night Elves specifically developed their form of druidism to spite your race. It simply wouldn’t blend for most existing druids.

Again, I’m not saying it couldn’t happen. I’m saying it wouldn’t happen.

I agree that many of the class restrictions should be lessened, but not this one in particular.

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It feels like after Legion, any race should be allowed into the Cenarian Circle if they follow the teachings of druidism. A specific person is much different than a race as a whole. Considering we as the “champion” are unique now and the heroes of the story.

A small sect of blood elves could’ve been practicing druidism in secret as well. As the Farstriders are not fond of the city and the politics. Especially knowing their rejection of arcane has created waves with them and the magisters.

I think there’s many options for blood elven druids. :man_shrugging:


Considering this is my argument for why the faction divide is nonsense, I find it hard to refute you once again.

One person does not necessarily conform to the path set before them by their race, especially when that person is the Champion of Azeroth.

So, Fair is fair. As long as a particular race isn’t naturally aberrant to Druidic Power, Like a void elf or an Undead. being mostly Shadow magic, directly parasitic to the Emerald dream

So long as you understand the comical absurdity of a Highborne elf stooping so “low” as to become a druid.


The only races I can really see being able to become druids are pandaren and humans. And humans are very unlikely: I only mention them because there’s probably harvest-witches who weren’t in Gilneas and became worgen. But that’s in the same boat as saying there should be void elf demon hunters since there’s probably at least one blood elf DH who tried that out.

But then again we’ve had goblin shamans since Cata, which still make 0 sense lorewise, so who knows. If Blizz really needed to they’d probably even come up with a handwave for undead druids.

While i do find it interesting. I really like orcs or night borne becoming druids. This culture shift should add flavor to game.

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Since when did anyone need approval to plant a tree? That doesn’t exist in whatever druid handbook you’re making up.

Again, where is it written that this is somehow a terrible thing against druidism? Druids didn’t create the second well, either.

… what? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Again… what? And why is someone who turns against someone else suddenly a law that says “if someone does something bad, all druids are forfeit to the entire race”?

So a small group goes bat crazy from corruption and that suddenly means all druids are forfeit? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Worgen went from primitive Nature users (Harvest Witches) to having a very solid, permanent link to the Emerald Dream.

Because regardless of whether or not they feel at home in a forest, they’re still Belfs that could give two craps about the Emerald Dream or Wild Gods. If it isn’t magic they can twist or wield to become more powerful, they don’t care.

Druidism is NOT about liking Nature. You have a lot to learn about Druids.




It honestly sounds like you just want to be a Blood self Druid. You don’t care how much sense it makes, you just want to be an Elf.

Horde have more than enough options to be Druids. Stick with those. It’s really okay to not always be one race, the other 10 classes can be Elves…

I really don’t want my responses to be shallow, but you haven’t really given a lot of appropriate reasons to why Blood Elves should be Druids other than sounding like “I want.”


Also Akston is correct:

Again, Blood Elves have the sole access to one of the classes on Horde side. They can be 10/12 classes. Blood Elves do not need more options, full stop.


If druids are added to more races, it should be to lesser played races. not the most common.


If you get belf droods, that makes as much sense as Tauren warlocks.

So, in all: No. Belf droods is a silly idea.


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Blizzard created them for the Nightfallen questline.

They got corrupted and turned into those spider abominations in the Farranar ruins.

One Survived, he’s the guy who perfected the Arcan’dor that saved the Nightborne

Grimtotem warlocks…
Highmountain warlocks are lore plausible though.

As for blood elves and night borne as botanists refer to High botanist Freywinn

And High botanist Tel’arn

Having them like we have sunwalkers on Tauren for paladins would be great and can help distinguish them from the original night elf druids. And open up other races to the druid class kits and transformer themes.