Sin'dorei druids and more druids

That’s fair. They just aren’t as…I don’t know, connected to it? Like yeah, I agree they follow the Light but the reverence isn’t as dramatic as Humans. But I stand corrected.

Dark Iron are interesting now since I can’t imagine they still follow Ragnaros or Twilight’s Hammer so do they have anyone to follow now?

Anyway, the original point being that I doubt Dwarves would ever follow the Loa, haha. But thank you for clarifying my statement.


Eh, I dunno about that. Blood elf druids have existed for as long as there have been Blood Elves, they’re just not druids the same way Night Elves are. Nor are they called “druids”. But if we’re letting the Raptari and the Drust pass these days then give Greenkeepers/Botanists a pass, too. Why not.

Let them have the lynx type cats as cat form, maybe give their spells a more “arcane” flavor too… (I want glyphs that let us change the visuals of our spells to suit our races so bad)

  • Blood Elves are already TOO MUCH classes, they don’t need another rare class, they even have a exclusive class

  • Blood Elves ARE NOT a druid race, don’t try to spin it, they are not a nature based or oriented race, they are a high civilized arcane race, with no ties whatsoever with nature magic, spirits or even wild gods

  • They precisely left their night elves ancestors because they did not wanted pratice nature/druid magic and abandon their arcane ways, they don’t want to go back and use nature magic when they have no reason to, cause arcane resolves then all the problems.

  • A blood elf druid have as much sense of happening as a Goblin druid, if you think the later should not be don’t say the first can.


I’d imagine we’d taken them into the fold since we’re buddy with Moira now.

I do have an idea I want to present to you regarding humans.

Gilneans as we know can be Druids, yet the offspring of two Gilneans with the Worgen is just a regular human. Would that not suggest that child could then harness Druidic powers?

Not saying I want it but I was looking for your take on it (i technically have a human Druid my Kul Tiran but this is just a hypothetical).

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Essentially he doesn’t want to play an less than pretty horde race. There are plenty of druid races on both sides. Pick one and leave your vanity behind.


Hmm… It’s true they try to explain the Human Druids as “Harvest Witches.” If I remember correctly, they can only marginally affect nature (think…grow crops, maybe a little bit of root movement) as they have no connection to Wild Gods or the Emerald Dream. And they only become full Druids when they turn into Worgen as Worgen we’re originally a form of Druids that devolved into more of a curse.

As such, a child born of two Worgen could potentially have the affinity of a Harvest Witch, but would not be able to turn into animals or probably call upon the moon, but can marginally affect plant life.


Sorry… but High Gnome Druids are next in line.

They were harvest witches and it was the night elves that helped them harness their Druidic powers and help them become druids.

However given the child now has parents with those powers does it not stand to reason the child would also be able to transform? (Especially if both parents were druids) The ability to shapeshift only as a Worgen is a mechanical limitation ingame but lorewise it’s not something that has been addressed. (The comparison would be that Genn can control his ability to shapeshift, normal Worgen can’t).

Likely because ‘all playable Worgen’ are technically Gilneans that have been bitten - Lorna is the only major character who is a Gilnean. But her parents don’t appear to have a druidic bloodline.


I like how you didn’t quote the rest of that, very neat.

You know, Over 10000 Years ago, your ancestors were so obsessed with their unending pursuit of arcane magic, that the Lowborn Elves separated themselves, forbade most magical practices, and Developed their druidic ways away from you.

In fact there are still some extremist groups who detest any and all magic users of any kind, Especially Highborne Elves like yourself. So much so that they Murder them on sight.

So no. No Sindorei Druids.


Yeah pretty sure those were night elf ancestors as well. Highborne and lowborn were essentially the same race. Just those with natural arcane abilities were a step above in the original Highborne society. The exile was after the sundering ans we don’t really get a timeframe on how long they coexist until Malfurion and Tyrande exiled them.

I don’t think so because of that lack of connection to the Emerald Dream. Despite the fact that both parents have it, it isn’t directly passed on to the offspring. By being Worgen, they have a connection to Goldrinn. The child doesn’t. It’d be like how not all Tauren or Night Elven children can be Druids even if their parents are. You still need that connection which humans don’t readily have.

One could argue that they COULD, as any race could, and in particular Humans from Gilneas could become Druids. Though since playable Gilneas are all Worgen, I doubt we’d ever get just straight Stormwind Human Druids.

Very interesting thoughts though, I respect that.


It wasn’t necessary. Greenkeepers and Botanists aren’t anywhere near Druids. At all. Not even remotely close. They’re Arcane users twisting Nature to their own devices simply for power.

The Drust were very much Druids, linked to the Emerald Dream and kicked out after Gorak’tul started screwing with other dangerous magic. The trolls are very much Druids because their link is through the Wild Gods, aka their Loa.


Fair enough logic wise to be honest and nah we don’t need a third human Druid class. :slight_smile:

Stormwinders have enough classes. :grin:

Good discussion!


Yes, And the Highborne elves, all of which practice arcane magic, split off into many splinter factions.

The Naga, the Surumar Elves, and yes, even the Sunstrider Dynasty at Quel’thalas. all related to the same “Highborne”

The Elves of Quel’thalas really have a kick for Infinite power sources. Mass convergences of Leylines, and unlimited bastions of holy energy.

Druidism has a give, and a take. It is deeply rooted in the Emerald dream and only passed down to a chosen few.

The closest stretch I could see for new Horde Druids are the Nightborne. Because they wouldn’t be real “Druids” They’d be continuing the tradition of the Arcane Druids that constructed the Arcan’dor


Sin’dorei druids would make no sense at all. I’m all for new classes for existing races, but I want them to make sense within the context and story of the game.


Eh, I still think from an “access to classes” stand point you could say the weaponization of nature magic would grant access to druid-like abilities. Just reflect through the forms that it isn’t “actual” druidism.

I mean to me it feels like a more plausible mix than Golbin shamans but honestly I don’t feel strongly enough about having Blood Elf druids to put any real effort into arguing about it.

My point is, if they want to give more classes to more races my reaction to BElf druids is “Sure, why not, whatever”. Though the huge list of classes they have now makes it unlikely anyway.

(I WILL fight forever for Tauren and Draenei rogues though, I need them, Blizz, pls…)

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Then we need a new Nature class. Which I would enjoy seeing.

That gives me really positive vibes, manasaber cat form would look stunning.

(Not that I’d make anymore Horde characters)