Sin'dorei druids and more druids

New classes when they mentioned racial customization? Are you trying to pull my leg off?

An entire race doesn’t have to be nature loving to qualify for getting druids. This hasn’t been a thing since cata, or it would still be just NE and Tauren as druids. There is a lot of variation within each race. Kul Tirans are an excellent example

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Oh no, please. I don’t want is a Human leading the Cenarion Circle. Knowing Blizz, it’d happen.

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Will never be a thing.

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This. It’d kind of conflict with the classic High Elf themes of being masters of arcane/holy magic. Druidism doesn’t really fit into their culture


The lore of races has evolved as the game has continued to go from xpac to xpac. Humans, dwarves, orcs, and blood elves all meet criteria to begin practicing druidism. Not every night elf is a druid, and some even practice your outlawed arcane magic.


In seriousness there are many avenues for members of these races to learn the druidic arts. Night Elf and Tauren druids didn’t just appear, they were taught.

Blood Elves already have a unique class, they really do not need or deserve more racial options.

Pandaren Druids should be a thing.


I don’t see why you feel that way. I didn’t want demon hunters, I’ve wanted a horde elven druid since TBC.

At this point from:
TBC -> Wrath -> Cata -> MoP -> WoD -> Legion and now BFA. Blood Elves have endured a lot, changed a lot, and now finally the horde and alliance are at peace/armistice. They can finally focus on helping their people rebuild Silvermoon, Eversong, and the Ghostlands. Nature as an ally is what they will need and I can see them exploring that path.

I feel this way because Blood Elves already have the most options in the game. They do not need more. If you want to play a Druid, you have options on the Horde.

From a lore perspective, the fact that races have limitations on what classes they can be enriches their story and their environment. By beginning to allow everyone be everything, you begin to decrease the uniqueness of the races. Blood Elves are wielders of the arcane; they twist and bend nature to their will, they don’t revere or respect it. Their attitudes prevent them from being able to see the powers as anything other than what they can control. It’s why the Elements would likely never allow them to be Shamans as well; Blood Elven society is anti-natural order. Their zone is literally twisting nature to bend it to their will.

Repairing Silvermoon, Ghostlands, and Eversong will require nature, but they’ll simply twist it with the arcane just as soon as they get it back into working order. And they can employ the aid of their allies to do it rather than do it themselves.


And Belfs will never care about anything except how to further their own power. Which goes against everything that Druids are. They’d never be allowed in the Dream and no Wild God would want anything to do with them. They twist Nature to their own devices simply because it’s another form of power.

This isn’t about teaching anyone anything. Without a link to the Emerald Dream or the Wild Gods, there is no becoming a Druid. And Belfs don’t give two craps about either of those things. If it can’t feed their magic to make them more powerful and have control over stuff, they don’t care.

There’s a reason the Nightborne went to the Horde and not back to the Nelfs— and it’s because they have more in common with their distant cousins than their closer brethren.

Questlines already show you they have zero interest in Nature as an “ally.” And that’s not what Druids are. They aren’t just hippy Nature users. They have a link to the Emerald Dream and Wild Gods. Belfs use Nature, twist it to their own devices, and then discard it when it no longer serves their purpose.


I would totally submit a whole bunch of model ideas if that is truly an issue Blizzard is having. Why not make it an art contest for druid form if it’s such an issue?

Because druid forms aren’t the issue. The lore for these races is kept intact and that’s why they aren’t druids.

The issue here is people wanting to shoehorn in more crap just to get what they want with no regards for how it further destroys the lore.

This said it best:


Yet lore can be created, especially because of the Loa now. What’s to stop a shaman background race to learn the ways of the loa that the zandalari druids follow?

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More druids? Sign me up!


When it makes sense. Belfs as Druids make absolutely zero sense and that should never be shoehorned in to change their entire culture into something completely different.

Please show me where Belfs are Shaman.

I am not talking about blood elves, I am talking about shaman-background races such as vulpera and dwarves.

Probably because it’s just a really solid enjoyable class.

(KT druider here)

And I was talking about Belfs. So there’s our miscommunication.

Loa are very specifically a Troll “religion” of sorts. The only races that share a similar reverence for these creatures live on the island that the Loa inhabit, and even then Vulpera don’t really care and Sethrak only focus on Sethraliss.

The moment you start having other races follow and believe in these creatures just to explain Druids, you start diluting what makes Trolls as a race interesting. Loa are bloodthirsty, violent gods that generally require sacrifice to be allowed their power. A lot of civilizations don’t follow that type of mentality. One could argue Orcs as Druids would make some semblance of sense, but this still fully excludes Blood Elves.

Dwarves don’t really do religion, and they certainly wouldn’t follow the bloodthirsty nature of Loa.


Dwarves don’t really do religion, and they certainly wouldn’t follow the bloodthirsty nature of Loa.

They (ironforge ones) follow the Light in a similar way to us Humans. For us there’s no deity associated with it.

Wildhammer I’m not sure of and Dark Irons had Ragnaros/Twilight Hammer.

(Before modern times presumably Titan worship)

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