Since someone wants to be the forum police

anyone wanting to discuss “off topic” discussion can feel free to use my discord.

I hope the forum police doesn’t put me on report for creating an off topic post.


:police_car: WEEWOO WEEWOO :police_car:

HALT! This is the forum police.

The forum police have identified a suspect as a troll impersonating a forum police officer. The suspect is in custody and you may return to :poop: posting on the forums. Have a good day sir.


Reporting for duty

Post flagged as spam

Seriously, you’re posting in the Classic Forum about an “off-topic” forum, what do you expect?

The " forum police" you are referring to has no blue text… grain of salt and all that jazz imo.

I don’t know what this is but I’m furious

Certain people who will not be named (but may or may not have tusks and gross blue skin) say they loathe PvP, then brag about ganking innocent posters with reports. Absolutely disgusting

since we only have one forum here they shouldn’t be a problem, there are times I want to ask you how work is going, or Brock about ESO, Fesz about bowling,Clion about Warlock lore stuff, we really could use an off topic forum honestly.

It would be interesting to create a [Lounge] thread with rules similar to what we do over in Customer Support:

Hmm. Did i miss something?

I mean, just so we are clear weren’t you telling people to stop posting in a certain thread because it was resolved? I mean this just happened a couple hours ago so who is the police you are talking about?


Some people are trying to play forum police.

Apparently we aren’t to make threads talking about random stuff. We’re to make thread #890234809234 on if Ret Paladins need buffs or not.

someone was being very forum police telling us to keep threads on topic. because you know, we haven’t beaten to death pretty much everything.

i don’t know guys, maybe we need another transmog or balance thread.

alts would be the obvious answer.
now there is no need to keep this going.

guys. seriously. just let this thread die already.

Was it you?

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was he banned? I doubt it, did he close that thread? no, Blizzard has closed every thread on it since they gave their answer.

Wrong thread?

Nope. Difference there is I see no need to keep a thread going if the answer has been given. If you want to discuss off topic I have no problem with that, just make a new thread for it

You do realize what you just ***king said was 100% being forum police correct?

Nope. Huge difference there. I’m not saying you can’t discuss a topic. I’m just saying to not take threads off topic, which by the way, was at one point against the forum rules.

I can’t believe you can’t hear yourself right now. No way you aren’t trolling right now.

Following forum rules is one thing. Telling people they can’t discuss something with like minded individuals is another.

What is so hard to understand?

Even blizzard agrees if a question is answered or situation is resolved to let threads die instead of going off topic. After all, they locked that thread didn’t they?

They also locked a thread I had in another forum where my question was answered. Some dude tried to take it off topic and blizz came in and locked it.

Food for thought.

Telling people to follow rules on the forum isn’t being the forum police… but somehow them telling you to keep topics to classic only (which is a rule btw) IS being the forum police.

Well I’m a forum doctor and let’s just say… your diagnosis is bleak.