General discussion, which is used for discussing retail, has all sorts of off topic threads for those who play retail to discuss stuff. Why can’t classic?
Because it’s not part of our rules. Read the name of the threads and get a clue. You should know this Mr. forum police.
Show me where it says this thread is purely for discussing classic only? Because that post you linked was objectively not classic.
You are a really bad officer.
Okay that’s all fine and good.
Either way now people who want to discuss off topic have a place to go. My discord is open for use.
And that’s cool and all.
Just don’t be so hypocritical of something you are blatantly doing yourself. If not worse.
You do realize I’ve never complained about off topic posts be cause it’s rarely if ever enforced right?
Blizzard realizes that were going to discuss other things with like minded individuals.
But blizzard does have an issue with derailing threads by taking them off topic or keeping threads alive for no reason other then to take it off topic.
So if you have a complaint take it up with the way blizzard enforces the rules, while your at it make sure they start enforcing the rules about making new threads about topics already discussed, because that’s against the rules too.
Until then, I was just following blizzards lead. And seeing as that thread in question got locked, it appears blizzard agrees with me.
Blizzard has not though, locked an off topic thread as far as i know.
So the only hypocrite that I know of here is blizzard and you.
What? Do you even know what’s going on right now? You sound like a schizophrenic talking to himself. I have no issues with anyone breaking any rules Idgaf about the rules. I do however have a problem with hypocritical morons such as yourself crying like a baby about people acting like the forum police because you made an off topic thread, when you are going around doing the exact same thing telling people they need to make a new thread to discuss something off topic. You are doing the exact. Same. Thing.
Also, you are right blizzard doesn’t lock threads that aren’t related to classic. Because they either move them or delete them. You know those threads that start in GD then get moved here after 4 pages? That’s because they redirect them here to follow the rules. And if you think blizz locker that thread because it was resolved you are sadly mistaken. They would lock every thread discussing transmog, lfg, lfr, and every other resolved topic if that were the case.
The fact is they locked it because it was an anti blizzard witch-hunt that just ended up being the OP being a liar.
Except blizzard has a history of locking threads that go off topic. That’s not the only time something like that happened.
I never said they don’t I was talking about that one specifically. And they also historically lock and delete threads that are off topic of the forums rules. All the more reason you’re a hypocrit.
I haven’t seen any threads get locked that started off topic and I’ve started threads that were off topic. Including discussing other games we all play.
Fact is there is only so much we can discuss without running out of topics until blizzard releases more information
Do you know what an anecdote is?
Just because they don’t lock or delete every single one doesn’t mean they wouldn’t if they caught it. Same thing goes for threads that get derailed. Such as this one.
Anyway I’m just going to walk away from this.
I would if I were you too